Chapter 7

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I looked at Shen wei, and his eyes was ruby red. My grandmother had told me about it, but never met anyone with it before. It was like I was hypnotized, his eyes was so beautiful and my hand just automatically went towards is eyes, then he suddenly grabbed my wrist, I swear I wasn't going to poke his eyes

"Shen wei, your hand is so warm"  

and I quickly moved my other hand to his forehead,

"God Shen wei, your burning up" 

"Don't worry about it" he said weakly

don't worry? your sick and I'm not suppose to worry?

"Shen wei, apparently we have something to talk about right? but I will wait until your better, now you are going to do as I say" 


I just have to find the medications

"No Shen wei, I am going to take care of you no matter what you say"


"I know you like to be alone and all that, but no can do" 



"The medications are  in the second drawer in my bathroom"


I wen't to get it, with water, and when I got back, he had already fallen asleep again.I carefully woke him up

"Wei wei, take this and then go back to sleep" 

To my surprised, he did as he was told

When he went back to sleep again, I went to get a bowl with water and a cloth to put on his forehead , and I found myself just starring at him sleeping. 

Ruby eyes, which means he can read minds. Wait, that means he has been reading my thoughts, oh shit oh shit, all the naughty thoughts, gahhh I was internally screaming. 

I cant be mad at him either, I totally understand why he didn't tell me, I wouldn't either if I was him and he didn't know me enough to trust me like that, but even though that is logical, but emotionally I did feel a bit hurt . 

In the end I decide to try and catch some sleep on his couch in his bedroom. After maybe half an hour, I could hear him panting hard, and I looked up, and he was struggling, like he was having a really bad nightmare. I went by his side and put my hand on his forehead when he suddenly grabbed it, and his breathing instantly became calm, but he was holding it so tight, so I just stayed by his side, holding his hand.


I woke up with Yunlan's head and arm on my chest, while my arm was around his waist. Why do we keep ending up like this. I got up, and went to the bathroom, taking a shower. When I got out of the shower, he was not in my bed anymore. I walked to the kitchen, where he was apparently cooking.

"I've already called big bro Chu, told him we're not coming into work today, since you are sick"

"I feel better, I can work" 

He glared at me

Are you seriously trying to go against me?

I looked up at him and shook my head, and he turned around and continued cooking.

Ruby eyes and the healerWhere stories live. Discover now