Chapter 13

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Out of no where someone just jumped me and kissed me, I pushed the person away harshly 

"what the hell!" I yelled , and looked at the person

"Zhuji?"  and he only smirked 

"how have you been love, missed me?" 

"what the hell are you doing?" I asked with anger in my voice, and I thought, this is what nana warned me about.

"what?I mean are you afraid your new sex toy would be jealous? me and you both know you would be done with him soon anyway" he said smirking

"you better walk away before..."

before I could finish my sentence, Yunlan jumped in

"jealous ?ha ha, boy if your going to make me jealous your kiss has to be something like this" 

and he smashed our lips together, ravishing my mouth, making both of us moan softly. At that moment we forgot everyone around us, and the fact that we were in the middle of the lobby. 

When we parted because of much needed air, we looked at each other while catching our breath and smiled 

What the hell, lan lan my love, look what you did, you made me rock hard, what do I do now?

He smiled and 

We just have to hurry home so you can do me hard 

We turned back to where Zhuji was, but he had already left.  I just smiled and kissed Yunlans cheek

"your amazing my love"  and we walked outside towards the car. As we got outside we saw Zhuji with five others, I could tell right away what they wanted 

"Yunlan, go inside"  and he walked slowly back inside. I toke of my jacket, so I only had a t-shirt on

"so you still hang out with the gang Zhuji" 

"Well unlike you, I know how to be loyal"  and with that he made a sign for the to start attacking me, but they were no match for me. After few punchers and kicks they were all on the ground. I looked up and saw Yunlan standing there, he quickly looked down

"my lan I'm sorry but..." 

"lets just go wei wei"  and he hurried and walked passed me in to the car.  He didn't say a word on our way home, and he kept avoiding my eyes. He must be pissed off at me for fighting.

When we got in the apartment, he was walking fast towards the bedroom but I pulled him close to me and gave him a hug.

"my lan, please don't be mad at me please, I'm sorry for fighting but..." I felt something that made me stop in my sentence, something was poking me and I looked at Yunlan, who was now blushing

"uhm..Yunlan...your hard?"  He blushed even more and

"wei wei, I'm sorry, You know I don't like violence but I was going back inside when I remembered that you would be stronger with me close, so I stayed and when I saw you fight, it just.."

I smirked "just what my lan?

"it just turned me on!, I mean its not my fault your seriously sexy when you fight, and I am embarrassed" 

I chuckled and pulled him close to give him a passionate kiss, which turned into heated one. I lift him up and walked us to our bedroom, not breaking the kiss.  During the kissing, clothes went off and we had needy passionate sex.

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