Chapter 15

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We stood there for few seconds before we realized what just happened , we both ran towards the car, and others started to gather too, and I saw someone calling for help.

Having Yunlan close to me I could feel my strength getting stronger, so I toke the door handle and ripped the door off, and pulled nana out. I carried her away from the car, she was burned bad. Both me and Yunlan was in tears. I put her on the ground and Yunlan had her head on his lap,

"oh God oh God nana"

He said over and over, I was about to run back to get the driver when the car exploded again. 

Didn't take long before the ambulance came and toke nana with them. They needed the space to do some emergency treatment on the way to the hospital so Yunlan and I followed with a taxi behind them. 

She was in emergency surgery for hours, me and Yunlan was just holding each other, both of us could not stop crying. Both mom and Chu had come too.

After a while the doctor came out and told us

"Her condition is very critical, we have done what we can, we just have to wait for now. Her outside skin wasn't burned to much as it should have been, almost as if she was wearing some kind of protection. But the bad news is her inside was burned bad, her throat and lungs, that is why we put her in coma. She would be to much pain just breathing. So we are keeping her under coma until the wounds would be healed enough for her to breath without to much pain that could cause her heart to go in shock due to the intensity."

"can we see her?" I asked

"I'm sorry, not tonight, maybe tomorrow"  We just nodded. Then I turned to the others

"you should go and get some rest, I will stay" 

"I'm not leaving you wei wei"


"no way, I'm not leaving you"  and he held me tight

"I will go home and look after choco, I will bring food and other stuff tomorrow morning, call me if anything"  my mom said and gave us both a tight hug. 

"I know someone in the police department, I will get them to put their best people on this, and I will have them put someone to guard you two"  Chu said

"thank you bro chu" 

Yunlan and I had this comfortable silence between us, was just sitting in the hall, hugging each other. 

Couple of times during the night, the alarm in nana's room went off, her heart had stopped working, bringing me and Yunlan into a crying mess.

It was all over the news, about someone trying to kill me but ended up hurting my nana instead. 

Its been 2 days, they still didn't let us see her, she was still to unstable. Mom forced me and Yunlan to go home and take a shower and changed. So we did while she and Chu  would be there just in case something happened.

When we got home after shower, we were just cuddling on the bed for a while, we both needed the comfort. Yunlan was trying to be strong for my sake, it should have been the other way around, but nana being like this just ripped me apart.

After an hour or so, we went back and there was father, arguing with mother and Chu.  Chu was shielding mother from him. I walked to them and he turned to me,

"you see what you did to my mother!you should have died long time ago, nothing good comes with you" before I could say anything mom stepped forward , and slapped him

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