Chapter 6

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Oh this is so warm and cozy, I don't want to wake up, then I heard


I open my eyes slowly, and was staring straight into Shen weis. What? why is he sleeping on the couch with me?, wait why am i hugging him? Then flashbacks from last night came back, and I jumped out of bed

"boss, so sorry, you were shivering and I was just going to calm you down, but then I fell asleep too, so sorry"

before he could say anything, I just ran into the bathroom. God how could I fall asleep, what if he thinks I'm a pervert or something, what if he fires me for? what to do?what to do?

I ended up spending a lot of time in the bathroom, when I finally got the courage to get out and go eat breakfast, Shen wei was already there eating. I slowly sat next to him, and it was quiet. 

Is he mad at me? what to say? should I apologize again?

"Yunlan, are you attracted to me?"  

"what??, no" I answered slight panicked 

"Then it should be fine, two guy sharing a bed, is nothing right?" I just nodded

Aish, of course I'm attracted to you, have you seen yourself? you look like a Model a very sexy one.

Suddenly Shen wei started coughing 

"boss are you okay, do you need water?" 

"I'm fine"

He managed to say between some coughs 


"Shen wei"

"oh yeah, Shen wei, didn't you sleep well? your eyes seem irritated

"I fell asleep with contacts on, that's why"


Then it got quiet again, so I randomly asked

"Shen wei, what do you do when you are stressed or upset and need to relax?" 

"Run, or boxing, and you?"

I just looked at him for few seconds

"did you jut ask me a  question back?" and I smiled

"I can take it back if you don't want to answer"

"no no its not that, I play violin , well used, its back home with parents, but ice cream or a lollipop usually gets me in good mood " 

"really? ice cream?"  I just nodded with a big smile

Then nana, and his mom joined us

"Good morning sweeties" nana said

"Good morning nana, good morning uhm mom?" I said shyly, still feel weird about this

"Good morning nana, good morning mother" 

He said without looking at his mom, ahh I wanted to kick his leg for it

Be warmer to your mom, can't you see she been crying?"

"Yunlan sweetie I'm kicking you out" wait what? and I panicked

"what? nana are you mad at me? I didn't mean to sleep with your grandson, it just that he was cold and and and I was just warming him, and just fell asleep ..I'm so sorry nana" 

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