Castilian Spanish

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George: What is Castilian Spanish?

KaTzElDaElEnA: It's the official language spoken in Spain. It's a lot different from the Spanish spoken in Latin America.

George: How so?

KaTzElDaElEnA: The vocabulary.

George: I see. You're an Irish girl.

KaTzElDaElEnA: What? No I'm not! I'm Spanish!

George: No, you're Irish! You said you're from Ireland! Case closed!

KaTzElDaElEnA: I'm originally from Spain, George! That makes me a Spaniard! I just moved to Ireland, that's all.

George: So that makes you half Irish, half Spanish!

MaryKLago: *whacks George with the frying pan*

Me: He's totally uneducated!

MaryKLago: Yes he is! *dragging George to the closet*

KaTzElDaElEnA: George should do his research on certain topics!

This story was written on June 20th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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