Where's My Money George?!

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George: *reading a book*

Stewie: Knock knock! So, uh you got my money?

George: No. I'll have it for you soon.

Stewie: Just have it me in 24 hours.

George: Why, what happens in 24 hours?

Stewie: I don't know, I'm not psychic, man! Don't forget! Nah, you're not gonna forget!

Time skip......

George: *gets out of the tub* Uh, Stewie, hey!

Stewie: So it's been 24 hours! You got my money?

George: Eh, you know what? Just give me till Monday! I'll have it for you then.

Stewie: Oh, that's funny! I coulda sworn I said have it today!

George: Yeah, I don't have it, sorry!

Stewie: Mm, that's good oj! *smashes glass on George*

George: Ow!

Stewie: Yeah, that hurt?! That hurt?! Yeah, that's what happens, man! That's what happens! Where's my money?! You gonna give me my money?! Where's my money, man?! *beating up George*
You got till 5 o clock, you hear me?! You got till 5 o clock!

George: You psychopath!

Stewie: Clean yourself up! *hands George a towel*

Time skip....

Tom Brady: What the heck happened to you?

Stewie: *glares at George*

George: I uh, fell down the stairs.

Stewie: Oh, you should be more careful!

George: *walks out of the room and sees Stewie playing golf* Uh oh. *gets a fake mustache* Good day!

Stewie: Good day to you too! Hey, wait a minute! What the heck?!

George: *runs from Stewie and is struck by his golf club and falls down the stairs*

Stewie: Getting really tired of you ducking me, man! Getting really tired! How much that fake mustache cost? Don't make a fool of me, man! Don't make a fool of me! I want my money! I want my money, man!

George: Listen, you just gotta give me more time! *gets shot in the knees* Oh my gosh!

Stewie: *burns George up with a blowtorch*

George: Okay, let's go to the bank!

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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