George Just Shut Your Yap

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George: William, can I ask you a question?

Me: Uh, sure?

George: Why do you like Dairy Queen so much?

Me: It's my favorite place to get food.

George: Why can't you get something else? Like Arby's?

Me: I had Arby's before.

George: If I had my way, I would have Dairy Queen close down. Go out of business.

MaryKLago: George, that's never gonna happen. Shut it!

George: Dairy Queen will go out of business someday! Mark my words!

MaryKLago: You know what, pal? You're going out of business! *whacks George with the frying pan*

George: *whacked* To be continued..... *collapses to the floor*

MaryKLago: Sweetie, you can get food from DQ as much as you like! *drags George to the closet*

Me: Thanks, babe!

MaryKLago: Of course!

This story was written on June 24th, 2019.

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