Breaking News!!

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News Reporter: We now live to breaking news out of Pocatello, where two people were involved in a fatal car accident! This happened on South St. The people are identified as Jose Vargas, and George Anton. Jose was taken to the hospital, where he is believed to be in critical condition, and George was pronounced dead on the spot, as medics could not get a pulse! Stay with Channel 4 News for any updates as they come in!

Me: Oh my gosh!

MaryKLago: George died! Whoo hoo!

Me: Yes!

Natasha: Good riddance! He was a pain in the butt, anyway!

Kevin: I agree!

Francine: I am not gonna miss him!

MaryKLago: None of us will! He was a jerk!

This story was written on July 23rd, 2019.

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