Chapter 12

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Your POV

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"Does that sound good to you?" Henry asked me. I just kept the same blank and serious expression.

"So let me get this straight." I spoke, "Your plan is for us to break into the Holland mansion armed and have a full on invasion right?" I recalled what he had just told me.

"Yes. Is there a problem?" He asked.

"Yes." answered simply. It's not like I was here to be friendly. I was here to be helpful and more importantly to bring down the Holland mob, "Don't you realise that the Holland mob will be expecting this? They will already be armed and have full access to weapons. If we all go in at once, yes we will over power them because of our numbers but don't you see that we would end up killing over half of our men before we can even get to Dom?"

Henry nodded and smirked, "That is correct. You'll have to forgive me but I was just checking that you were actually dedicated to helping us. I was seeing if whether or not I could actually trust you."

I didn't change my hardened expression. I just looked at him. He smiled and nodded, "So then what do you propose we do? I have my own plan but I believe that you could possibly come up with a much better one given your history and experience with these things." Henry raised an eyebrow at me.

I thought for a moment and mapped out every possible solution. I looked at the map of the Holland mansion and compared it to all my personal experience with the mansion and it's guards. Then I replied, "OK. Here is what u say we do. We surround the mansions outline with men. Put the strongest men and powerful at the front with me. Place the experienced with this group her that is surrounding the back. Hide snipers and trained gunmen in the garden. We can all come in at an I signed time and attack at once. The Holland's will spread themselves too thin and we will over power them."

Henry looked both impressed and surprised, "Excellent. Are there any other points?" he asked me.

"Dom will go for the entrance as will Tom and Haz-Harrison." I corrected, "Nicky will not be fighting so Sam and Harry will go for the back. They will all be separated so communication will be difficult." I answered and Henry smiled again. He put our hand to shake towards me. I took it.

"And you pull the trigger to Dom." He added. I smiled now.

"Thank you." I nodded to him and he returned the favour.

"I owe it to your parents and your mob." He said quietly, "I know that living in a min comes with these sort of casualties but I do truly with that there was something we could have done that night." he said sadly.

"So do I. So this is your chance to prove that to me." I clarified and he nodded, "There is something that I need you to promise me though."

"What is it?" he asked. He didn't seem like he was suspicious of anything I had to ask.

"I will probably be killed in this. So if I die before I can kill Dom, please use my gun to shoot him." I requested, "I usually use one particular gun for all things because it was my first gun. Dom gave it to me when I was four. So it represents me. If I die kill him with that gun and that gun only."

"Why?" he asked.

"Because. It'll be ironic that the gun that started all of this is the gun that ended it." I smirked.

"What gun is this?" He asked.

"My 375 Magnum." Henry nodded is confirmation to my request and I smiled a little, "When will we move?"

"Tomorrow night. We will alert every one and assign positions. Tomorrow night at 10:45 pm, we will bring the Holland Mob to its knees and we will avenge your family."

"Why are you doing this?" I finally asked the question hat was burning into my mind.

"Because. Like I said before, we were friends once. Our mob were close. Your parents were my god parents and mine, yours." My eyes widened, "We are in this together. We avenge family. You are family." I nodded.

"Thank you again" I added.

"Let's go and tell the men what we are doing." He walked out of the room. I was about to follow when I stopped and felt my heart feel weird. It was Tom's emotions. I paused when I still felt worry and love. For me.

And here Is as planing his death.

And the echoing voices split through my mind.

What about Tom? 

I can't kill him. I know that.

Yes I can.

No. You can't. Because you know deep deep down that you still love him even after all this. You wouldn't  be able to pull that trigger.


I am do sorry this is so short bit I had to quickly write this on the bus in 40 minutes! Thank you so freaking much for the bloody 3000 views!!!!!!!!

Thank you!!!!!

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