Chapter one

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I walked down the street towards my school. Penola,one of the places I hated the most. You're probably asking why, well to say it short, I was the school freak. I didn't have any friends and everyone thought I was some creep that needs help. I had a really bad past. I was bullied since I was 13 so when I came to high school. I did bad things, not like drugs or something like that, but in the other way, I did bad things to myself which I wasn't really proud about. So my life was pretty shitty. I once had a big crush on a boy in my school,he was one of the populars, Beau Brooks, my crush for years. But then he, his brothers Jai and Luke -they are twins- and his best friends Daniel Sahyounie and James Yammouni turned into my biggest bullies. They were the main reason why I was such a mess. Also a reason was Courtney, the school slut. She and her group were the feminine version of the Janoskians -Beau, Jai, Luke, James and Daniel, they were in a group and prank people in public- they were just as bad as the guys. There wass Delilah -she wasn't THAT bad like the others, she just always stood there and watched the others do-, Riley she was the closest tk Courtney and also a slut, then there were Ally and Jane also sluts, so yeah they were a group of sluts. Courtney and Jai were dating and it was pretty much disgusting, like they were always literally eating their faces. Ewww. Delilah was dating Luke. Actually they made a cute couple, never mind. Oh and Beau was dating Riley, probably because she had big boobs, boys. So yeah I hated them. Oh and I'm Renee Bona , but I prefered Rey. funny, because there was nobody to call me that so nevermind. I was pretty much boring, that's why no one liked me. I wore too big And boring clothes, like a normal red t-shirt some jeans and vans. I was over weight and short. My hair was brown and REALLY long. I always had dark bags under my light green eyes, almost never wore make up and had braces. I actually had glasses too, but I didn't wear them, because I would just look like a geek,I would rather be the 'emo' than the geek, so I had to wear contacts. That's it. So that's why everyone hated me, because I looked boring.

I sadly arrived at school and the first thing that happened was that I was shoved into the lockers by The Janoskians and the sluts. Courtney grabbed my hair and said "hello bitch, you look pretty today! naaa, just joking! like you would ever look pretty!" Jai wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed down her neck. Seriously ?! "ewwww" I snorted. They pulled away from each other and Courtney glared at me and said "Jealous ?" "In your dreams" "only, because I can do things with him that you only can dream about ?!" ouch. I had a little crush on Jai, btw. I laughed "Ha. I a-and. drea-dreaming. A - about . J-Jai!" I said laughing after every word. "Never in a million years " I said after I calmed down. She just looked angry at me, slapped me -nothing I'm not used to- amd walked away. Only one week until I finish school and don't have to see Courtney's cake face or the stupid smirks from the Janoskians.

Finally school was over. Not much happened beside some rude words here and there.

I started to walk home while listening to 'The way' by Ariana Grande. I loved her!!


so just imagine Jai and Luke didn't drop out of school. James drops out when Jai and Luke finish. I'm thinking if I should put Ariana in this story, tell me if I should. so yeah, hope you enjoyed this chapter and you'll continue reading the rest ! Would be amazayn :)

I hate you, don't leave me // Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now