Chapter six

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After Jai showed me where the bathroom was and I did my business, we went to the kitchen to get a drink. "here" Jai said handing me a cup of who knows what. "Thanks" I smiled taking a big gulp of it, which made my throat burn. I liked it somehow. "Hey, slow down there, is it your first time drinking ?" He asked, I nodded taking another big gulp. "okay, I think that was enough, you don't have a high tolerance for alcohol. By what it looks like you're already tipsy." He said, taking my drink away from me "ohhh, c'mon Jai B, that sounds like JB, Justin Bieber, Omg you're Justin Bieber!! Why didn't cha tell me, Jyyye." I slurred. Jai just chuckled. "But gimme ma drink back" I whined. "No" "pleeeeeeeeaaaase" "okay, but drink slowly, alright?" He said. I agreed and he gave me my drink back which I finished before getting another one.  "alright, wanna dance ?" Taking a gulp of his own drink. "Suuuuure" I said taking his hand in mine and making our way to the dance floor.

After a few songs and me and jai dancing and laughing like fool's, my feet started to hurt and I sat down on the couch taking jai with me. "y knoooow , Justin" "Jai" "that's what I said and don't interrupt meeeee, you're so impolite y'know" I slurred at him. "I had  a little little big crush on yaaa, still do tho" I laughed, covering my mouth. "Really" "yeppp, but don't tell Jai, he'll hate me again" I said dragging the 'p'. "He wouldn't, trust me,but do you wanna here a secret ?" "Suuuuure" "okay, but don't tell rey " "I would neeevveeeerrrr" "I really like you, too, always did." "I looked at him with wide eyes. "Well I wouldn't tell her, pinky promise" I said sticking my pinky up.

He hooked his pinky with mine and I shook our hands around. After that I let go and laid my head on his lap. "I'm so tiiiirrrrrred, JB" "go to sleep" "what about Bryan ?" "He is busy" I saw him glaring at something. I followed his gase, just to see Bryan making out with Courtney. "Okay" I said closing my eyes and drifted off to sleep


I felt someone move me, when I opened my eyes Jai was carrying me bridal style.

"You're finally awake, princess, was worried I had to kiss you to wake you from your 100 years long sleep" he smirked.

"Shut up, where are you bringing me?" I asked while he walked up the stairs. When we came to a door and went inside, where he laid me down om  a comfortable bed. "Here, was afraid, you'd wake up from the loud music, but never mind" he chuckled.

"Now sleep, I'll wake you up tomorrow morning and drive you home." He said before walking over to the door.

"Wait, Jai" I said, stopping him.

"Yeah?" "Can you stay with me ?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure." He said while pulling the blanket up and laying down beside me, before pulling it over us both again. I turned on my side and got closer to him, cuddling into his side. He just chuckled and hugged me back ,pulling me into his chest. I liked him like this, he was different, not the cock he always tried to be, this suited him more.

It made my little crush grow, become a big crush.

With thoughts like those I drifted off to sleep.


"Rey, rey, wake up" Someone shook me.

"Give me 10 more minutes" I said turning around.

"No, you have to get up, Skip's parents will be here in about an hour and a half" I recognized Jai's voice.

I groaned opening my eyes. "Morning beautiful" he smiled. "Morning" I mumbled yawning. "I'm sorry for waking you, but you have to go, I'll drive you." I nodded and got up slowly before going to the bathroom which was connected to the bedroom. My head hurt really bad.I looked in the mirror and the view wasn't really beautiful, my make up was under my eyes, which made me look like a panda, and my hair was a real mess. I took a brush I found and ran it though my knotted hair. When my hair looked alright I washed my face. After that was done I went out again and looked for jai, who wasn't in the room anymore.

"Jai ? Jai, where are you ?" I asked going down the corridor to the stairs. Suddenly two arms wrapped themselves around my waist from behind, scaring me.

"You look beautiful" Jai said. I turned around.

"Not really, but thanks, same goes to you" I blushed, it was weird hearing someone say that I'm beautiful especially not one of the persons who made me feel like the complete opposite.

He grinned like a idiot and leaned down, getting closer to my face. When we were only a few inches away from each other a cough made us break apart. "Ehhm, hey?" Daniel said. "Sorry to interrupt you guys, but my parents are coming soon and the house is a mess." "We can help you" jai said, smiling at his best friend. "Thanks, buddy" we went downstairs and helped Daniel clean the house, it wasn't bad, it actually made fun, I found out he was a really funny person.

" I'll drive her home now, see ya later" jai told Daniel giving him one if those guy hugs. "Alright, bye..." He said asking for my name, but before I could say anything Jai spoke up. "Rose" it shocked me, why didn't he tell Daniel my real name ? "Rose, bye. See ya someday ?" "Yep" I smiled while he gave me a quick hug.

Me and jai walked over to his car where he held the passenger door open for me. "Thanks" I giggled, it was so weird seeing him from this side, I never expected him to be such a gentleman.

He just smiled and went to his side getting in and starting the car.

Soft music was playing in the background, when I found myself staring at him. He suddenly started to grin which made me blush because he noticed.

"What you looking at ?" "Nothing" "sure" "Jai ?" "Yeah ?" "Why didn't you tell him my real name ?" "I thought it'd be a little awkward, I think he should notice himself and also apologize when you're alone and yeah " "you're right, thanks" "you're welcome princess"

"Why are you calling me always princess ?"

"Because you're beautiful and like a princess to me, wow that was cheesy"

I blushed from his words.

"thanks" I said when we finally arrived at my house.

"For what?" "For always being the least one to do something bad to me, for taking care of me yesterday, for driving me home, for staying with me last night" "everything for you, babe. You know, last night you told me something really interesting" my eyes grew wider in panick I said something bad.

"You told me I am Justin bieber." He laughed uncontrollable.

I also started laughing and we continued for a few minutes when he came closer to my face and said something I'd never expected. "And that you have a crush on me" he smirked making me blush.

"It's okay, you know, I always had a little crush on you" he said looking out of the window up to the sky. "But then you came, all changed and hotter, doing things to me" he said again making me blush even harder, if that was possible.

"Aww you look cute when you blush." He said looking at me again.

"Ehh, I should probably go inside." I said not knowing what to say.

"Wait, let me do something first" he said before taking my phone and doing something with it. "Here" he handed it back. "Alright, goodbye, see ya around." "Wait wait wait, that wasn't what I wanted to do" he said before getting dangerously close to my face. After a few seconds of us just looking into each others eyes, he closed the almost not existing gap between our lips.

Hope you guys like this ! And the wylm mv came out yesterday and I'm still not able to watch it on youtube bc 'it's not avaible in my country' and it's not on vevo :'(((

I hate you, don't leave me // Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now