Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1:

- We are capable of big lives. A big history. Why settle? Why choose the practical thing, the mundane thing? We are born to dream and make the things we dream about.

~Nicola Yoon, The Sun Is Also a Star




"Next time when I tell you to do something you do it! Got me nerd?"Jake Gander had slammed Huey against the lockers, Huey had been 'in his way' and now he'd greatly pay for it.

"I asked you a question and I expect an answer!"He yelled, then punched Huey in the stomach.

Huey doubled over in pain, he didn't want to say it, he couldn't just let Jake get his way.

"I'm waiting!"He yelled.

If Huey were to ask his brothers what to do, they'd tell him to stand up for himself, but Huey's not strong enough. So to avoid getting beat up worse Huey answers "Yes sir, I'm sorry sir" just like he wants, Huey has learned that if he complies, he won't hurt him as bad.

"Good. Next time I won't be so nice"He whispers harshly in Huey's ear then drops him into the hard floor. After he left Huey picked himself back up, he was just glad there wasn't any physical bruises or his brothers would find out. Not that he didn't want to tell them but he didn't want to go through the same thing again.

The last bully he had was kicked out of school. Which worked but Huey may have ruined that guys life. One time the bully started to go after his brothers, which really didn't end well for anyone. Huey hasn't forgiven himself for putting that burden on them. If he just tries not to get in jakes way and tries to be respectful, he won't hurt him as bad and his brothers won't have to deal with it. Plus life is stressful enough with their mom suddenly back in their lives.

Dewey his younger brother who usually greeted everyone with a smile looked confused "Hey Huey, are you ok? We missed you at lunch".

"Oh yeah sorry, I was discussing a history assignment with Mrs Santony"He said.

Dewey knew deep down that Huey was lying but he trusted that if it was important he would tell him eventually "So Webby wants to watch this movie 'The tormentors of the dead part 7' tonight. Are you in?"

Huey shook his head "It's a school night. I have homework".

"You know bro, it's reasons like this you're unpopular"Dewey said.

Huey shrugged, though it hurt he knew Dewey didn't mean it that way and he was just joking around. He really wished he wasn't so sensitive.


People don't like people who are 'different' mostly because they won't even give them a chance. Violet has been bullied many times before for many different reasons.

Mostly because she's smart, others because she's weird. Being obsessed with the shadow realm and researching magic isn't necessarily considered cool.

Erica is the second worst bully violet has ever had, and she's had a lot. She's tall, masculine and very strong. Shame she doesn't use her efforts for anything good but yes she was very intimidating.

Her worse bully however was Ericas best friend Rachel, she's the reason Erica bullies violet. She's the biggest diva in school and she gets away with it because she's rich, she's sort of popular but people only want to hang out with her because she's rich so does that even count?

Violet ate lunch in the library alone to avoid her, Erica would pour food on her or smack her lunch tray on the floor and humiliate her by making her clean it up. She can usually take it but with her personal life right now she didn't want to have to. It only pained her to know that as soon as that bell rings and she walks back to class that she'll have to face them once again. And she was right. When the bell rang she walked into the hall and saw Erica and surprisingly no Rachel, she tried to walk faster but she was blocked by Erica.

"Where do you think you're going nerd?"She asked.

Violet wasn't fazed "Class"She answered.

Erica slammed the notebook she was holding on the floor, violet wasn't intimidated or amused by this but she was slightly nervous Erica would read what was inside. "Aren't you going to pick that up?"She asked.

Violet wasn't going to fight it, she'd just lose, so she picked it up off the floor.

Erica smiled and grabbed violets backpack, opened it and poured all its contents on the floor "Better hurry up, you'll be late for class"She said walking away.

Violet was already late for class so it doesn't matter that much. She picked up everything she could find that was hers but couldn't find her spare pencil or her sharper but she supposed there are worse things she could lose.

Erica wasn't her only bully but she was the only one who was ever physically intimidating. But it could be a lot worse, she should hurt be grateful because it could definitely be a lot worse.

(Authors note: I write this first chapter then it didn't save! I'm lucky I was still inspired enough to re write it. Please review to mend my broken heart, and if you'd like me to continue this story)

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