Chapter 6:

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- The first time he'd held her hand, it felt so good that it crowded out all the bad things. It felt better than anything had ever hurt.

~Rainbow Rowell, Eleanor & Park




Chapter 6:


It was Saturday morning, Della was giving launchpad flying lessons, Donald had to get groceries, Uncle Scrooge had a staff meeting: (literally he found a magical talking staff and they're working things out)

It was just the kids at home, lena kept bragging about being the oldest and most responsible, not because she cared about that but just to make Huey infuriated, he was already tired out from the events from yesterday that he just didn't care anymore.

Drake had beaten him up again for giving him a B+ instead of a A- but let's be honest, that guy couldn't get an A at anything.

Huey lost his train of thought realizing violet's not here. She always comes over on Saturdays, "Where's violet?"He asked.

"Why? Do you love her or something?"Lena asked rudely.

"What? No I just wondered because she is usually here on Saturd-"

"Well if you must know she was mean to Webby"Lena interrupted.

"I don't think she meant to"Webby said.

"I may not know her too well but she doesn't seem like the kind of person who would hurt someone purposely" Huey said.

"Well she did, so she's no longer welcome here"Lena said, even Huey who wasn't a huge fan of lena knew she was just upset and overprotective of Webby, Webby had helped her through so much that lena wanted to return the favor but kicking violet out surely wasn't the answer, especially when it's obvious she needed them right now.

It wasn't any of his business, he can't control the world, he can't tell lena to give her another chance and he couldn't tell violet the same thing either, he has this reputation because he can't let the urge to fix it go, but he has to: he doesn't want to be the know it all, nobody likes a know it all. Especially- Her.

He walked pass his bedroom and overheard his brothers, his own brothers making fun of him.

"Oh hey look at me, I'm the duke"Dewey joked,

Louie laughed "Ahh oh no!"

He needed to get out of here.


She sat on the floor in the library, flipping through the young adult books, not her favorite genre but she needed to smile today, she had a hard week.

"Hey stranger, school library closed?"

"Huey"She said with no emotion whatsoever.


It was a relief to see violet here, he hoped to find her, he needed a friend "You spend your free time during the week at the school library and spend your Saturday here?" Where has she been his whole life?

She didn't look him in they eye, just said: "Well Sundays they're closed, I need something to keep me sane."

"That's actually pretty cool"He wasn't lying, to him, anyone who reads in their spare time are worth talking to "Mind if I join you?"

She smiles at him and gestured him to sit next to her.

After a couple seconds of silence Huey decided he'd better say something, "Violet? If we're going to be friends or if our library visits are going to be more frequent, we should probably get to know each other".

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