Chapter 5:

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- You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you.

John Green, The Fault in Our Stars



Chapter 5:


When Huey got back home that day things were normal, or as normal as you can possibly be in this family.

Dewey was like normal Dewey with the volume too high, Della was supposed to bring out the best in him but it turned out to bring out the cocky in him "I couldn't just ignore a dare right? So I do the double flip right into the basketball team, sure I got detention for it but it was still pretty awesome".

Della smiled as if she was proud of this for some reason "I'm glad you had a good day Dewey"She said, turning to Louie "How was your day Louie?"

"Meh, normal, boring, loud."He said still looking at his phone; He still wasn't really use to this whole "mother" thing just yet but he's at least making some progress.

"Well how about you Huey?"

He kinda hoped she'd focus on Louie, now he had three choices, he could make up some story about how he had a great day like Dewey, he could act like it was no big deal or he could tell her the truth, "It was ok"He said.

"Just ok?"She asked.

Now things started to escalate, "Yeah, things were fine, it's just predictable"He said hoping she would buy it.

"Well it's only Wednesday "She said, "We can only hope tomorrow is better" She hugged him from behind the chair and kissed his forehead. Wasn't bad advice for someone with no parenting experience, and very few real life experiences.

Now he felt worse about not telling her, but then again, how could he possibly tell her that her son is a worthless coward?

Huey walked into the kitchen to get something to drink but then thought twice after seeing Webby and Lena. 'Why did she have to live here?' He thought.

He didn't hate Lena or anything but she can be...difficult.

"Sup red hat"Lena said.

"Hi Lena"He said without eye contact. Grabbing a glass of water.

"Water, interesting. You know the jr woodchuck guidebook states that you should have at least six ounces of water every day"She said in her best Huey impression.

Webby laughed "Science fact!"

Huey rolled his eyes trying not to be offended or upset "It's actually eight ounces a day Lena, if you had the common sense that was bestowed on a goat, you'd know that".

"That was rude Huey!"Webby said.

Huey walked away without another word. He already had enough problems at school, he didn't need them at home too. Not like Webby would ever defend him.


"Your boyfriend can't protect you forever".

She was sick of letting those girls get to her! She doesn't want to be hurt anymore, she's done!

Nobody personally thinks of her, she's not special and nobody was fooled into thinking she was.

Erica really hurt her today, she wrote it down in her journal, it's better to write it down then to waste her time telling someone else who wouldn't care. She looked at the bruise on her arm.

Violet was walking home from school when Erica tripped her, she hurt her arm on the concrete, she didn't crypt anything, she wasn't weak. But everyone laughed for some reason. Nobody cared she was hurt, they laughed. Lena and Webby are no better then they are.

She promised to study at the mansion and if she said she couldn't make it they'd ask her why. She did want to go but It would be nice to get away from the stress at home so she went anyway.

Big mistake.

They said there hellos and did their homework as normal but then things started to go very wrong.

They started jabbering on, talking about how funny it was when they made fun of Huey earlier, the only guy who dared be nice to her and they make fun of him. She was already annoyed with them without this and now she sorta wanted to kill them. 

"Can we stop talking about this please?"Violet asked.

"Are you ok?"Webby asked.

"Yes, I'm fine"She said aggressively. 

"Violet, don't talk to Webby like that"Lena said, "She was just asking."

"Sorry I forgot I'm last on your ranking system"She said.

"What?"Webby asked.

"I'm not stupid webigail, I know I'm just your backup friend!"

"That's not true-"Webby tried to say.

"That's ridiculous!"Lena spat out.

"You wouldn't defend me if Webby said something like that!"

"That's the thing, Webby doesn't say things like that"Lena said.

"But you do"She said, violet grabbed her stuff and left.

"Violet wait!"Webby said.


"Don't worry Webby. We don't need her anyway".

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