Chapter 9:

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Maybe growing up means disappointing the people we love.

~Nicola Yoon, Everything, Everything





Chapter 9: 


Where's this situation in the jr woodchuck guidebook?

Chapter 45: How to deal with a mother who's been gone for eleven years and decided she wants to be your parent but you can't look at her that way because she wasn't there and you've struggled enough. You look at her like your Great Uncle who also abandoned you for ten years and can't seem to grasp the concept of family responsibility!

Where's that in the guidebook?!!

Nothing. There's nothing in there about re-appearing parents, bullies, terrifying adventures, terrible friends or...

Whatever violet was, a friend? He didn't feel for her the same he felt for Webby, not a girlfriend, he wasn't nervous around her like he should be, but who knows.

There's nothing in the book that actually helps with life itself. That's why he always had it with him; it wasn't complicated like life. He liked things that were simple, predictable and the way it's supposed to be.

Della was outside, Donald told Huey to talk to her, what was he going to say? What could he say?

Was she upset because he's being bullied? Was she disappointed in him? Was she scared? People are just as complicated as ever and Della was like people times ten.

He walked outside seeing her sitting on the front steps.

"Mom?"Huey walked up next to her slowly, he wasn't sure how this was going to go and that's what scared him the most. He's on his own, alone with Della. He couldn't count on Dewey to steal the spotlight or Louie to cause a bigger problem, it's just him.

When Della didn't answer Huey sat down next to her, hoping it would be comforting, he didn't want to upset her.

She sighed "Why didn't you tell me Huey? I'm your Mom, I could've helped."

He wasn't sure what she wanted him to say. 

 "You need to be honest with me, what if you got seriously hurt?"She asked like the Mother she kept trying to be, 

"I'm sorry I just-"He sighed, not knowing what to say exactly he did his best to explain "I  didn't want to disappointed you. I didn't want you thinking I was too weak to handle this on my own", That was a bit more then he intended on saying, can he trust Della with this information of insecurity? For now He said enough, She didn't need to know the rest.

She placed his hand on his shoulder lovingly "You could never disappoint me Huey, but being brave is sometimes asking for help even when it's hard. Trust me, I know it's hard."

"But we were already trying to put our family back together, we didn't need one more problem."

Which in his mind, is all he was. A problem. A problem that wasn't even worth their time.

"Huey"She pulled him into a non-requested hug, "Your safety and feelings are more important then making me comfortable."

Huey hugged her back, Maybe for her sake, Maybe for his, it didn't matter, things weren't really ok right now, The world is still cruel, Violet's still upset and He doesn't know how to deal with Jake, But right now everything was ok, in his mothers arms he Maybe His Mom wasn't so complicated. 

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