Chapter 8:

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You may be born into a family, but you walk into friendships. Some you'll discover you should put behind you. Others are worth every risk." —from They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera





Chapter 8:


The boys walked home, while being alone Huey explained what happened.

"Why didn't you tell us?"Louie asked.

"I didn't want you to have to deal with my problem".

"Huey...your problem is our problem"Dewey said "If something happened to us, you'd want us to tell you."

"I know".

"So why is it any different?"

"Because....because!  I'm supposed to be the oldest, I'm supposed to be someone for you to look up to not pity..."

Louie placed a hand on his big brothers shoulder "Not pity Huebert. Help, we want to help you because about you or whatever. You are my big brother and I will always look up to you."

It was weird seeing Louie express the fact that he cares,"Thanks"Huey said.

"I wish you just told us"Dewey said, "Nobody messes with my family."

"I know I'm sorry".

They arrived at home, for a while they just stood there by the gate pondering their next move.

Dewey decided "We need to talk to the adults, we need to tell them what's going on".

Huey stressed "We don't have to-"

"What do you mean? Of course we do...right?"Dewey asked turning to Louie.

"Well yeah...we should..right?"

"I don't want them to know"Huey said.

"Why not?"

Webby and Lena were walking back from wherever the heck they were doing, catching them off guard. "Hey, it's the three musketeers"Lena joked.

At first Webby smiled at Lenas joke but turned around to see Huey's eye "Oh my gosh, Huey are you ok? What happened? Who do I need to kill?"

Huey looked her dead in the eye and just said I'm fine, Talk to violet".

They walk inside and Webby asked "What do you think he meant by that?"

"I don't know"Lena said "But we're going to find out."


Huey, Dewey and Louie snuck into their room so they would have a couple minutes alone.

"Why don't you want the rest of the family to know?"Dewey asked.

"It's not the rest of the family"Huey said.

That's when it hit him "This is about mom isn't it?"Louie asked.

"I don't want her to think her son couldn't handle things on his own...that I wasn't strong enough."

"This was why you didn't tell us isn't it?"Louie said, why did he have to be so smart?

"I knew you were both dealing with Del-Ahem- Mom, in your own way. Dewey, you seemed so happy and louie, still adjusting. I didn't want to build on that"Huey sat down head in hands.

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