Chapter 10:

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"But it's up to us..."He said softly. "It's up to us not to loose this."

~Rainbow Rowell, Eleanor and park 




Chapter 10:


Webby and Lena came to school with violet to help her, how they did that she wasn't sure. It was nice of them to help but she didn't want Webby and Lena to be anywhere near those jerks. Not that they couldn't defend themselves, they're a lot stronger then she was. It's just that Rachel and Erica were terrible people, what If they say something?

She opened her locker to find the poem Rachel and Erica read in front of the whole school with a post-it note attached that reads:

'Violet saberwing, My favorite poet.'

She smiled, rolling her eyes, boys are so weird, but it did help her feel better. Huey truly was one of a kind.

Next to it was a pen with a red rose on top. Violet was glad it was plastic so she could keep it forever.

"What's that?"Webby asked, Violet honestly forgot they were here for a second.

"It's my poem, Huey must've put it here"She said, not letting them see it or the rose."

"Oh ok"She said, "So where are we going to find-"She paused.

When Violet saw Rachel and Erica coming shut her locker instantly.

"I'm surprised you have the guts to show up after what happened"Rachel said.

"What's it to you?"Lena asked.

Rachel looked at her and Webby then back at violet "Things didn't go well with the nerd?"She asked.

"What are you talking about?"Violet asks.

"Well it just looks like you found someone more masculine to fight your battles."

This was violets breaking point. These girls have hit her, hurt her arm, humiliated her in front of the whole class and ruined her book but that was nothing compared to the things they did, said, to, and about Huey, violet legitimately wanted to rip her face off with her majestic demon mace. But the school doesn't allow weapons.

Webby growled "I'd suggest you leave before something happens"Webby said.

"You really need this chick to defend you?"Rachel asks.

"She doesn't need anybody to defend her, you're lucky she doesn't destroy you."Lena said "Right Webby?"

"Right!"Webby said in a fighting position.

Lena used her magic (Just to scare them) Grabbed a picture off the wall and throw it at them "And trust me. She can."

Erica and Rachel ran away, yelling "Witch! Witch!"Terrified out of their minds, seriously? What was wrong with these girls? Lenas magic was cool, not scary.

"I know you are but what am I?"Lena asked jokingly.

"You did it Lena!"Webby shouted.

"They should just be thankful you didn't get to them first right vi?"

She smiled, something told her she wouldn't be seeing those girls again any time soon. Afterward Lena and Webby left.


At first Huey had no idea what he was going to say to violet. If she hadn't made up with Webby and Lena, he decided to invite her over and help work things out.

So far the day was quiet, maybe too quiet. Jake was nowhere to be seen.

Throughout the day he was worried, he really wasn't scared of Jake- just the idea that he could show up at any moment worried him but his anxieties wouldn't bother him after what happened the day before. According to Dewey: Jake took care of the situation himself by getting arrested yesterday for under age drinking. This was bad news but it was also a relief. He can finally focus on what's really important.


He couldn't stop thinking about her all day, he couldn't wait till lunch but he still wasn't sure what to say. He rehearsed it in his head over and over and over again until the time came.


Violet was in the library first as always, reading. The title read 'Withering heights' by Emily bronte.


"Hi"Violet said back closing the book and setting it to the side.

"I'm sorry about what happened"they said simultaneously, "You're sorry?"

"It wasn't your fault"He said sitting down next to her.

"You didn't deserve it though"She said "Your eye looks awful".

"Bruises can only make you stronger"He said nervously, he pulled out violets notebook and handed it back to her, "We put the pages back as best we could, they might be out of order,"

She couldn't loose Huey as her friend: "I'm just glad Tristan from English class didn't hear it"She said hoping he'd be misled.


So the poems weren't about him, "That makes sense"He realized he said out loud. She didn't seem to mind because she looked at him the same way. "I think Erica and Rachel need a new strategy- just because they hate you doesn't mean the books have to suffer".

She smiled "I don't think we'll be hearing from them anytime soon".

"Really?"He asked.

"Lena and Webby helped me stand up to them. I wish I'd taken your advice earlier."

"Same here"He said "Jake was arrested yesterday for underage drinking."

"Wow"She said.

"Yeah, interesting how life works."

"Serves him right"She said.

"Huey..I wanted to thank you."

"I didn't do anything"He said.

"You were my friend when I needed you most, instead of watching like everyone else did. You stood up for me. Personally I wouldn't consider that nothing".

He didn't believe that to be anything amazing, it's just the right thing to do, the world can be cruel.

"I have something for you"She said pulling out a book out of her bag.

'Great expectations by Charles Dickens'.

"I have like three copies of this one, it's exciting and mysterious, I thought maybe you'd like it."

Huey looked at the book and back at her, "I can't accept this violet."

"Huey, it would make me feel better if you just took the book."

He finally did, "Thanks"He said.

"I think you'll find Pip interesting"She said "If not you could always give it back or give it away..."

He'd never do that, even if he didn't like the book, it would always remind him of violet. He's happy he had something with him now that will remind him of her, he liked her, he was happier when he was with her, she's smart and talented and and she always smelled of lavender essential oil.

"I've never had a friend like you violet. In fact I think besides my family, you're my only real friend."

"So we're still friends?"She asked happily.

"I hope so"He says.

She smiled.

Gosh she's beautiful. He'd do anything to see that smile every day, of course he notices this after she admitted she likes someone else. Even despite that, he was happy just to be her friend, he was just happy that she was alive, the fact that she exists and she's with him now: it means everything. 

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