Chapter 7:

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The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

Susin Nielsen, We Are All Made of Molecules



Chapter 7:


School was the worst.

It was just fact.

It's not because of the hard work.

It wasn't the teachers. (So much)

It was the students! He knew everyone would agree if they knew what Huey went through with or without a bully.

People leaning over his shoulder for test answers, the weird whispering that happened around him, the annoying and repetitive names they call him. Life would be so much easier without other people.

Except his brothers of course, and Webby, The rest of his family and now Violet. (He could probably do without Lena though)

Violet however was different than other people, something about her made him feel comfortable and safe to be himself. She didn't judge him, she didn't make fun of him and even weirder: she seemed to enjoy his company.

Now that's a new concept,

She wasn't hanging out with him out of pity, or because they were family or because she's just nice, but because she wanted to, either she's very weird or she sees something nobody else could, himself included.

His brothers haven't made much progress, Louie was still quiet when it came to Della, not only did he not say much to her but also wouldn't talk about her. Huey knew why, Louie didn't want Della to feel unwelcome and leave again, Dewey felt the same and he knew it, that's why he hasn't stopped trying. Huey knew his brothers more then anyone else did, sometimes more then they even knew about themselves.


Violet is a introvert. It was almost obvious, that doesn't mean she doesn't like people, it just means she likes time to herself more and people were only acceptable occasionally.

She's not good with people, Lena and Webby sort of proved that. She felt bad but it might be a good thing, they should know what they're getting into. She wasn't a good friend. Huey needs to learn that lesson quickly before he gets too attached.


Huey tapped on his desk wishing for the clock to turn 12:00, he just wanted to see violet again.

It was weird, he couldn't stop thinking about her and what they'd have to talk about today.

Little did he know they'd have a LOT to talk about.

They met at the library as normal, violet was there first with her beak in a book.

"What's the book of the day?"Huey whispered, though it wasn't necessary, nobody else was there but the librarian.

"To frame a mockingbird". A classic story about racism (Against mockingbirds)

"Hey, something I've actually read for once"He smiled, she smiled back.


"I wanted to ask you something..about your life"She said.


"I was reading little woman. I've read it on numerous occasions, Is having siblings really like it is in the book?"She asked.

"I'll admit I've never read it- having siblings is more like 'Lord of the flies' if I'll be honest".

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