Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: 

- Maybe part of falling in love with someone else is also falling in love with yourself.

~Nicola Yoon, The Sun Is Also a Star




Huey wasn't sure why he agreed with violets weird request to join her for lunch in the library. He didn't really know her and wasn't too eager to get to know her but he could use the break from Jake... and possibly, his brothers.

He showed up at noon like he promised, he brought his lunch and the book he originally borrowed. He saw Violet sitting alone reading 'The picture of Dorian gray' by Oscar Wilde. He didn't want to interrupt so he quietly took a seat next to her.

She looked at him raising an eyebrow "You came"She said.

"Uh yeah, why wouldn't I?"Huey asked, he felt anxious for some reason wondering if he wasn't actually supposed to come, was she being sarcastic? Was she signaling him? She didn't sound sarcastic.

She didn't seem nervous either, she seemed confused, She looked back at her book, "No reason, it's just nobody has ever accepted  lunch invitations from me in the past"She said.

"Why not?"Huey asked.

"Because I'm weird"She said without looking at him, without blinking or hesitating, Without shame. He couldn't understand how she could be so calm.

"I can be pretty weird too"He said. He wasn't sure what to say next, they just sat there for a good five minutes in complete silence.


He was so cute when he didn't know what to do. Violet didn't know what to do either, she was so nervous, and he was so perfect.

She slowly put down the book and looked down at the table, neither of them looked up. Neither of them felt comfortable eating in the presence of one another so violet stared at the wall while Huey stared down at the table. Every now and then they'd shake things up and violet would look at the table while Huey looked at the wall.


Say something!

He mentally beat himself up, he felt bad for interrupting violets reading and now she looked bored. Why did he care? He barely knew she existed until yesterday. What could he even say? "Have you told Webby and Lena?"He asked, why did he ask that? That's too personal! It's too late to take it back.

"About what?"She asked as if she didn't already know.

"About Rachel and Erica"He answered.

She sighed "No, I haven't".

"Why not?"He asked.

She kicked her feet really high and grabbed onto her fingers and started playing around with them "Why would I?"She asked.

"They can help you"He said "Lena is only a few grades ahead of us and Webby is kind."

"I know.."She said "But I'm not comfortable with telling them yet ok?"

Huey shrugged "Ok", he suddenly wished they were closer, he could help convince her to tell Webby and Lena. They were her friends and Huey knew they'd help her. And He didn't want her to go through this alone.


"Have you told your brothers about Jake?"She asked after a long pause.


"Why not? Aren't you comfortable talking to them?"She asked.

"I suppose it's possible to be too comfortable"He said.

"Well I don't think we have to worry about that"She said basing on their current situation. Huey laughed, she smiled but didn't look at him.

She made him laugh.

"I should go, my brothers are probably looking for me. This was fun, we should do it again. How about tomorrow?"

She looked at him this time. He asked her? "Alright"She said, as vague as she could be, she can't have him knowing that she enjoyed his company.


"Hey nerd, where do you think you're going?"Jake asked standing in front of him.

Huey was just trying to walk back to class, why did bad things have to happen when you start thinking it's going well.

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