06 - A popcorn machine?

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I've never been a morning person.

Anyone who knew me could attest that when I woke up my brain needed at least two hours and some strong coffee to start working properly.

That's exactly why, on Saturday that week, when I woke up at the sound of my sister's annoying voice calling my name repeatedly from downstairs, all I wanted to do was throwing a freaking chair at her right in the face and close her mouth once and for all.

Dramatic much?

"Kaycee! Come down, I need to show you something!" Kylie yelled again.

I groaned, stretching my muscles and starting to climb out of the bed.

I threw a look at the clock: 8:44.

"Give me a minute!" I finally yelled back, not sure if she could hear my words right or distorted.

Sighing I went into the bathroom in order to give my face and my overall appearance a decent look.

Some minutes later I finally went down the stairs to my living room, finding my sister on the couch with a big bite of waffle stuffed in her mouth.

"Morning, Sleeper..." she welcomed me, smirking.

"It's not even 9:00, and it's Saturday." I pointed out, sitting ungracefully next to her on the couch. "Did you make waffles?"

"Yep, they're in the kitchen..."

Being extremely hungry, I quickly stand up and made one step towards the other room, and therefore towards the waffles, but Kylie grabbed my pajama top and pulled me back beside her.

I groaned. "What?"

"I wanted to show you something! That's why I was calling you before." she explained, reaching for her phone on the coffee table and looking something up. She threw me an amused look. "You're so grumpy in the morning..."

"Oh, shut up..."

She laughed loudly at my bad mood.

Honestly, she had a lot to do with it, since she abruptly woke me up and then prevented me to feed myself with some much needed sugar.

Okay, I need to stop being so dramatic in the morning...

Kylie finally pressed something on the screen and handed me her phone. She had opened a Youtube video.

Three seconds in, I already recognized it. It was the "Overdose" class from last Monday. The one were Sean and I danced together as a duet for the first time in weeks.

"Tim uploaded it this morning..." Kylie explained, carefully studying my reactions.

I tried to act normal. It was just Sean and I dancing, we did it hundreds of times.

Although I knew it wasn't just that. And Kylie seemed to know too.

I reached the end of the video, unaware of how much I was biting my lips during the whole thing. I stopped immediately.

"You did really good." Kylie said casually, retrieving her phone from my hands. "Nice chemistry, total connection, emotions on display..."

I nodded, quietly.

"So... you two worked it out?"

I took a big breath. "Yes, we did actually..."

She seemed surprised by my answer and jumped a little on the couch.

"Oh really?!"

I saw a smile starting to spread across her face, so I understood she was getting her hopes up. I needed to stop her.

Turning point | Sean and KayceeWhere stories live. Discover now