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Evan creeps around the corner before bolting up the ladder. He silently positions his GMod character on top of the roof and watches his friends from above.

"Vanoss, where are you?" Brian sings, stalking around the backs of buildings in search of him.

"Nowhere," Evan retorts instantly, a smirk on his face.

"Come on Evan, we have thirty seconds left, give us a clue," Delirious begs.

"I am an owl. I see everything."

"What? Oh!"

He spies Delirious coming towards the building he is perched on top of and walks towards the edge, watching Delirious look around below him. Evan sees a ledge that he could make it onto, above where Delirious is stood, and carefully inches his character off the edge. He falls but to his dismay, instead of landing on the ledge, he falls straight into Delirious.

"What the fuck!" He moans, annoyed. He did not mean for that to happen.

"Ha bitch! Got you." Their friends laugh as the round ends, Evan having been the last of the hiding. The screen fades to black as the next round loads. Evan huffs a sigh in irritation at himself for having lost by falling into Delirious, but it made for a good clip so he guesses he'll get over it. Eventually.

He is snapped out of his thoughts when the voice that he catches himself thinking about comes through his headset.

"Hey Evan?" Delirious calls, his voice smug.

Evan pays his friend's tone no mind as he responds. "Yeah?"

"Did it hurt?"

Evan furrows his eyebrows. "Did what hurt?"

"Did it hurt when you fell for me... literally?"

The friends erupt into another round of laughter, Delirious' cocky giggle distinct among them as Evan shakes his head, thankful that his friends can't see his rosy cheeks. He laughs along with them, determined to not let Delirious know of the effect his words just had. He takes a deep breath. He's just messing with you Evan.

After their session, Evan edits the footage from the comfort of his warm bed. Mid-edit, he hears his phone sound, signalling a text.

Evan, you okay? You were quieter than usual after a few rounds.

Evan sighs but finds himself smiling slightly. Nothing got past Moo, who'd always be sure to ask Evan if he's okay if he ever sensed anything off.

I'm fine, just feeling a bit tired.

Okay man, please make sure you sleep then. See you later.

See you Brock.

Evan throws his phone down, confused. He wasn't exactly lying to Brock when he said he was tired but the whole truth is he doesn't know why he's feeling weird. His stomach feels odd, though, and so he decides to go to sleep as soon as he finishes editing the video.

A half hour later, video edited and clothes changed into soft pyjamas, Evan climbs into bed and tries to sleep, to no avail. He tosses and turns, trying to clear his mind but ultimately his thoughts return to Delirious. Delirious and his amazing laugh. Delirious and his natural charm and wit.

He doesn't sleep for a long while, thoughts a mess. He reminds himself that Delirious is so far off limits, there's no point in entertaining the 'what ifs'. Delirious is his best friend. Delirious is helping his views, that's all. Delirious doesn't actually like him. He doesn't actually like Delirious, he's just a bit muddled because they have to pretend for his channel. Yeah. That's all.

The chaos of his thoughts swamps his mind until he falls into a restless sleep.


Thanks for reading! :)


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