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Though slightly tipsy, Evan is sober enough to drive. That doesn't mean they are any safer as he finds his thoughts anywhere but the road.

This date had exceeded his expectations magnificently. He had barely spared a thought for Delirious all night, save for a few times - much less than normal. He quickly glances at the man in the passenger seat, who is looking out the window, a smile gracing his face as he watches the world and the wind blows his soft hair around his face.

J is wonderful. He is everything Evan could have ever dreamed of. But something is nagging him. He can't quite put his finger on what it is but something just feels... off. Like he's missing something glaringly obvious.

He talks to a cheery J on the drive back but is himself reserved. J notices and slowly gets out of the car once they're back at Brock's, waiting for Evan to follow.

Evan looks to him. "You go on ahead, I'll be right out." J gazes at him, a slight frown on his face before he nods and walks in. Evan watches his lean legs stride to the door and sighs. He rubs his eyes and leans his head on the steering wheel. What is wrong with him? Why can't he have just enjoyed this date without something being off? Why does Delirious have to apparate into his thoughts for the millionth time? Questions he can't answer.

He huffs yet another sigh and climbs out of the car, quietly opening Moo's front door and shutting it behind him. He walks towards the living room, when his ears pick up low voices.

"How did it go?" Brock's voice.

A sigh. "It was amazing. He's amazing."

"Do you think he knows?"

Evan furrows his eyebrows at this. What might he know?

"I don't think so but he was acting odd when we just pulled up." A nervous giggle that punches him in the gut. Evan's blood runs cold as a thought occurs to him. No... there's no way.

His heart rate picks up as he pulls his phone out and scrolls through his contacts. He finds who he is looking for and presses the call button, holding his breath. A dial tone echoes in the living room and Evan holds his breath as he rounds the corner to witness the sight before him.

Brock is stood in the middle of the room, his back to Evan. He is facing J, who pulls his phone out of his pocket and looks at it, oblivious to Evan in the doorway. The ringing is inarguably coming from J's phone.

Evan looks down at his own phone and hangs up before the call's recipient can answer. "Busted, you fuck!"

The two men in the living room look like deer in headlights as they finally notice Evan. "SHIT!" The sandy-haired man shrieks as he tries to hide himself behind Brock, who laughs. "Evan, it wasn't my idea, I swear. Don't be mad at me, it was all Brock."

Evan is shocked, realising how obvious it had been all along. How hadn't he noticed earlier? He grins and approaches them, eyes seeking the hidden man. Brock is smug as Evan comes closer, a clearly victorious smile etched onto his face.

"I'm not mad." Evan's face softens when those deep brown eyes emerge. The man steps out timidly from behind Brock and scratches the back of his neck.

"You're not?"

"No, come here." He holds out his arms and watches his favourite person jump into them. He'd been waiting for years to feel this. His best friend against him.


~the end~

Thanks for reading! :)

JK! I'm definitely kidding, this isn't the end XD


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