Chapter 28

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The moment seemed frozen in a bubble of time; shuddering to a complete halt as Charlotte stood rooted to the spot, her eyes glued on Eric and the gun pointed at her. She could neither move nor form a coherent thought. Her lungs burning from lack of air could not break her from the spell, and still she was unable to draw a breath.

So this is how it ends...

This was the singular thought that made it through her mind with crystal clear clarity as she stared down the barrel, imagining the bullet that would end it all for her.

Charlotte finally drew in a shuddering breath, which sounded harsh and ragged in the oppressive silence that had descended the kitchen.

"Drop the bags," Eric ordered, his voice like brittle shards of glass cutting through her shock.

Somehow, through the haze that had settled in her mind, Charlotte was able to comprehend his command and she reluctantly dropped the bags on the floor with a resounding thud.

"Raise your hands," Eric growled.

His aim never wavered, and his sharp gaze never strayed from her. Charlotte realised in that moment that Eric was now viewing her as a threat and was thus being cautious, especially after witnessing firsthand what she was capable of in the underground parking. He was not going to be foolish enough to let his guard down again.

Charlotte slowly raised her hands, her heart beating a frantic crescendo in her chest. She knew she had to diffuse the situation somehow.


"Shut up!" he snapped.

Charlotte obeyed, a sense of doom blanketing her. Eric could not, or would not, be reasoned with. He was also carefully keeping his distance. Eric was teetering on the edge of madness, but he wasn't stupid.

"Where is he?"

Her mouth went dry. She knew he was referring to Thranduil.

"I...I don't know."

Eric's green eyes flashed and he took a menacing step towards her, causing Charlotte to back up, her fear doubling.

"Move again and I'll shoot you," he warned, his dark tone leaving no doubt in her mind that he would do as he promised.

Charlotte stilled, her breathing coming out hard and fast now. Icy fear was now clawing through her veins and she could not halt the trembles coursing through her body. This was not good. Not good at all, and there was no discernible way out.

"Now tell me the truth. Where is he?" Eric took another step towards her, and it took every ounce of her willpower not to back away.

Charlotte shook her head, unwilling to give up Thranduil to the monster who would surely kill him on sight. If she died now for her refusal to cooperate, then so be it. At least she would die knowing she had not betrayed the one she loved.

There was a very good chance she would never see Thranduil again; she would never be enveloped in the warmth and safety of his arms, nor would she feel the deep love radiating from him when his kissed her and made love to her. They had only just begun, and now it was ending far too soon. The thought was morosely crippling.

Eric's features turned thunderous and he advanced with quick and powerful strides, raising the gun as he prepared to strike her with it. Charlotte instantly backed away, only to find a wall blocking her feeble attempt at escape. As Eric neared, she flinched and covered her face to protect herself from the worst of the blows to come.

But the blow never came. Instead, a cry of pain echoed around the room.

Charlotte opened her eyes, which widened at the scene before her.

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