Chapter 64

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Legolas entered the Great Entrance of his father's mountainous kingdom, barely pausing to take in the breathtaking sights of home. He had more important things to deal with right now than to stop and divulge in sentimental memories the Halls held for him.

It had been two years since the destruction of the One Ring, and he had briefly visited home afterwards. Since then, he had been travelling with Gimli. Truth be told, though, it was a way for him to escape the dark memories that haunted him; memories that not only haunted him but the rest of the Fellowship as well after what they had endured to ensure the destruction of such vile evil. He would do it all over again, undoubtedly, but the cost on his fëa had been great and he had needed this time away to heal.

But now there was something beautiful and magical occurring; news that had hastened his return to his realm.

Barely acknowledging the guards stationed at the doors, he bounded swiftly up the numerous stairs, taking the quickest route that would lead him to his desired destination.

Finally coming to the large, heavyset doors, Legolas paused, staring at the gleaming wood for a moment. Then he raised his hand and gave a firm knock.

A beatific smile stretched on his lips when he heard her voice calling from the other side, telling him to enter.

Legolas drew in a deep breath and then turned the door handle, stepping smoothly into his Ada's and Charlotte's bedroom.

He spotted her head of dark waves peeking from the top of the armchair in which she was seated. He noted that the fireplace was currently unlit, not that it was necessary. Being the height of summer, it was much too warm for a crackling fire.

"I hear congratulations are in order," he stated, a teasing note to his voice as he stepped further into the room.

Her reaction was everything he had expected. Charlotte startled and glanced over her shoulder, craning her neck to view him better. Her radiant smile was instant when she saw that it really was him standing in her room.

"Legolas!" she exclaimed, heaving herself out of the armchair with effort. As she turned to face him, he could see why. Her voluminous white dress that flowed like a misty gauze down her body did nothing to hide her exceptionally swollen and obviously pregnant belly.

His eyes widened at the sight. Even though his father had sent word that Charlotte was expecting, and Legolas had been prepared to meet a pregnant Charlotte on his return home, he had not expected...this. Her belly was huge. Larger than any other pregnant elf maiden he had encountered before. He could not seem to wrap his mind around the sheer size of it, and he marveled that she was even able to walk at all.

Charlotte, ignoring his stunned expression, closed the distance and wrapped her arms around his middle. Or tried to. The pregnant belly made it virtually impossible to even share a hug, but they tried. Finally, Legolas pulled back, his hands clutching at her upper arms as he gazed at her, his eyes unwittingly drawn to her stomach.

"You look..." Words seemed to elude him.

"If you say radiant, I swear I'll poke you in the eye," she warned, wagging her finger in his face. "That's the adjective everyone is using to describe me nowadays," she muttered darkly as she shuffled back to her armchair, settling heavily into the soft cushioning with a grateful sigh escaping her lips.

"Well, you do look...radiant," he said, somewhat cautiously, as he seated himself in the armchair opposite her.

She levelled him with a glare. "I look like a beached whale, Legolas," she stated flatly.

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