Chapter 29

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"You're still angry."

"Immeasurably so," Thranduil replied, though his words lacked any heat. Just a simple statement.

Charlotte sighed against his chest. At the time she had thought she had been doing the right thing by sparing Eric's life. The odd thing was, whenever she read a book or watched a movie and the life of the bad guy was spared because of 'moralistic' reasons, she always rolled her eyes and thought to herself that she would never be foolish enough to act that way if she were in the character's place.

But reality had been very different - frightfully different - and she found, as she stood to the side like a spectator about to witness something gruesome happen, she could not take Eric's life. Not even after all he had done to her. She was not a killer. Never had been and never would be. And she most certainly couldn't stand aside and watch Thranduil murder Eric. She knew the weight of what she had done would have crushed her conscience.

Now that they had escaped the immediate danger and were now relatively safe, she was starting to question her decision. Anger gave way to uncertainty, which quickly gave way to guilt.

Charlotte pushed away from Thranduil, unable to bear him witnessing her shame.


She glanced up at him. Why was he not shouting and reprimanding her for being so stupid?

"You have every right to be angry. If I had listened and left when Carl told us to run, then Carl would still be alive..."

Thranduil cut her off. "Carl was already on Eric's kill list, long before he told you to leave. Departing sooner would not have prevented Eric from going after him."

Charlotte closed her eyes. Thranduil was right, but Carl would never have been on Eric's radar in the first place if it hadn't been for her. It seemed as though everyone who came too close to her of late was put in harm's way. Including Thranduil.

Shen took a deep breath and opened her eyes, which were now burning with renewed strength. She was going to have to be strong in order to do this.

"You have to leave, Thranduil."

Thranduil remained motionless, only tilting his head slightly to the side as he stared at her with unnatural stillness and silence.

Charlotte took a deep breath and continued. "It's me that Eric is after. Not you."

"I daresay that I have been in his sights for a while, ever since he got a whiff of my involvement with you." Thranduil clasped his hands behind his back and levelled her with a stern look. "And I thought I had made it perfectly clear that I will remain by your side, regardless of what is to come."

Charlotte shook her head sadly. "You should try and contact Galadriel and get her to bring you back home. You are not safe here. You are not safe with me."

Thranduil's ice blue eyes flashed with anger. "And what of your promise to come back with me?"

Charlotte stilled. This was something that had been bothering her for a while. "Do you honestly think Galadriel will bring me back with you? Because I, for one, doubt it."

"You cannot be certain..."

"I know too much of future events that are to happen in your world. I pose a threat, Thranduil."

Thranduil remained stonily silent as he stared at her. He shifted slightly, his demeanor changing to that of the haughty and frosty King she had first encountered.

"So you plan on just giving up?"

To keep you safe and get you back home, yes. Charlotte did not say this, though, and chose to remain silent in the face of his wrath.

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