4. Why Do I Do This?

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Freddie's POV

I love performing. But sometimes I don't feel it, and today isn't one of those days.

Me and the boys have just finished out last show of our tour, and throughout the entire performance I can't stop thinking about the party later, The reason you ask?

Well, i had some say in who was invited and I invited Kelly Dixon. Have you heard of her? Because she has a dazzling smile and a perfectly formed ass, and don't get me started On her brea-, Huh, Erm... well you get the idea.

The boys may be a little pissed with me, because every song tonight I started late. I've been out of it. I mean can you blame me?

My crush on Kelly isn't a big one. Really dears it isn't. But I wanted her at the party, for no particular reason mind you. I just wanted to meet her, and it was easy to get her to come as Miami and her manager ....Martin is it? Are

"Fred? You alright?" Miami said from behind me.

"Huh, oh yes. Just thinking...." I gave him a half smile.

"Well, we need to get going if we are going to make this party."

"Yes! Let's go"

To say I was excited was an understatement, but I was nervous too. Why? I don't know. It wasn't like I was planning on doing anything with Kelly, I just wanted to try and make friends with her. Even though as I mentioned earlier I do have a tiny crush on the woman.

Me and Miami walked out the back of the venue. Meeting the boys by the car.

They were aware of my crush, Roger more than the others loved to take the piss. Yes, he's a bastard.

And of course Roger wouldn't be Roger if he didn't comment of this topic.

"Hey, Fred! Love got you distracted today I see.."

I deadpan a reply. "I don't love her.."

"Keep telling yourself that.. I can't wait to see you meet, your going to be a stuttering mess." Roger teased.

"Leave him alone, Roger." Brian scolded.

Thank you, Brian.

"Come on then!" John announced, and jumped into the car.

The car ride was interesting, we discussed guests who were attending the party. We discussed how pissed we will get.

Great conversation I know.

"So, Freddie. How are you going to approach her?"

'Her' here obviously being Kelly.

"I don't fucking know.. maybe a hello would be great!" I replied sarcastically.

Rog rolled his eyes. "Don't be a bitch. Anyway, what will you do? Can I give you advice?"

No. No you can't. "Advice from you? No, thanks. If I followed advice from you, then I would be on my deathbed."

With a death glare, Roger continued. "Just don't try to shag her.."

My eyes widened. I was in shock.

I mean yes, I'd love to shag her. But I.. erm... like... her too much to do that. I feel something for her... something that I've never felt before. And I know I've never fucking met her, but I just feel it.

"Rog- I.. no! I'm not going to try to shag her.. she's not just a shag... I lov- no!" Shit. That was close, almost said to much. And no. I'm not going to admit I love her... no.

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