10. Home Sweet Home..

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Kelly's POV

So, I came off the phone to Freddie after telling him I'm going straight to his house. Eric booked plane tickets for the next flight to London, First Class obviously. And we boarded the plane within the hour, for once a flight that I'm on wasn't delayed.

I made my way to our seats and Eric pulled a few strings to make sure we were the only people in this class. Being an international superstar has its perks, y' know?

Eric places himself next to me and sighed "So, you finally gave Martin the middle finger and did your own thing? I'm proud of you, Kel."

I hum in agreement. "I'm proud of myself. He can't control me forever, I'm not his dog, I don't take commands"

"And you shouldn't, you did the right thing."

I look at the man. "Yeah?"


A smile breaks on my face and I lean my head on his shoulder and take one of his hands in mine. "Thank you, I don't know what I'd do without you"

"Me neither"

They were the last words we said for a few hours, until an air hostess entered with a bottle of champagne and some food. "Compliments from the company, we are honoured"

I lift my head from Eric and give her a genuine smile. "Aww, thank you."

She hands Eric the champagne and me the food. "Good choice handing me the alcohol, don't want to see her when she's had a few"

"Oi!" I exclaim and playfully elbow him, I then glance at the amused air hostess. "Ignore him, he's an idiot"

"Ofcourse he is, he's a man after all"

Both Me and Eric paused and started at the blunt reply from the air hostess, before breaking out into giggles. "That is very true" I say, while calming down slightly.

"Hey! Your meant to be on my side"

I ignore my PA and thank the woman, before she leaves.

We cracked open the champagne and opened up the food. Smoked salmon and cream cheese sandwiches, very fancy.

"Ah, brilliant. My favorite sandwich filling, how did they know?"

Eric looks at my sandwich and shrugs. "Physic?"

"Behave you. It was a rhetorical question."

I look a bite of the sandwich while Eric filled by glass with the alcohol, but only half way. He pulls the bottle away and fills his glass to the brim. This bitch...

"Erm, excuse me? What is this?" I point to my glass then to his. An evil smile breaks on his face. "This... is me being sensible."

"Sensible? More like unfair dick, come on- fill it up."

And he did, but not before he taunted me by bringing the bottle closer, then pulling it away. Then bringing it close again. Eventually I snatched it from him and did it myself, as I final revenge however I grabbed his glass out of his other hand and poured it onto his head.

Eric gasped and sent me an icy glare, i began to giggle thinking he would too- but he didn't. Once I realised this my smile died, and my eyes widened. I was about to apologize but it was then he decided it was a good time to start laughing.

Now it was my turn to do the icy stare.

"Oh, Kelly.... Your face!" He laughed hysterically. "That was amazing! Oh god- ha ha ha"

In reply I took my hand and brought it down on his head. "Ow!"

Satisfied I turn back to my sandwich, and let's just say Eric didn't bother me for the rest of the flight.

At some point I drifted off to sleep, because the 8+ hour flight went surprising quickly.

I open my eyes slowly and groan. This gets Eric's attention who had acquired a book from somewhere, he looked at me- amusement on his face. "Ah, she wakes! You alright?"

"Uhuh, I think so. How long was I out?"

"3-4 hours"

I run a hand through my hair. "I'm sorry, you must have been bored"

Eric shakes his head. "Nah, I quite enjoyed it actually"

"Shut up"

An announcement then came over the speakers, we were about to land. Excitement formed in the pit of my stomach, my first time back in England for a few years now- I've surprisingly missed it.

The plane landed a few minutes later and we were told to get off first due to... well me being me.
It was a pleasant surprise to see no press for once, and a bigger surprise was that nobody had ratted my whereabouts out yet, still I wasn't about to complain.

Security guards approached Eric and myself as soon as we stepped off the plane. "Miss Dixon, if you'd follow us please"

I nodded and we followed behind, I wasn't sure where we were going, neither was Eric but we didn't want to ask, for no other reason other than neither of us were overly social with strangers.

We got dragged through the airport, but obviously they had all the security men possible with us, people began whispering and shouting. Great....

Unfortunately, the experience got so much better-not.

Remember my earlier statement about the press? Ha, well, it was short lived as fuck. Because guess who greeted us through the front doors of the airport. Yes, the entire British press.

All of them snapping photos, shouting 'Kelly! Kelly!'
Ah, Home Sweet Home! Kill me.

One reporter walked infront of me. "Kelly, Whats it like being back In England after so long?"

I scoff and sarcastically smile. "It would be way fucking better if the likes of you weren't around me every waking hour actually"

The man ignored my comment and asked "What made you choose to return after so long?"

"None of your business" I tell the reporter before being led into to a car and the door being slammed.

The driver then asks as we pull away out of the grasp of the press. "Where is it you wish to go?"

"12 Stafford Terrace, Kensington."
Hey, sorry this chapters not very long but the next one hopefully should be longer there wasn't much I could do with a plane scene it would be boring 😂, this was just some cute Kelly and Eric shenanigans. Basically, a filler chapter.

Also, If you haven't heard I've made a Wattpad Instagram where I post pictures of my favourite musicians and will post sneak peaks of upcoming chapters of stories, so go and follow if your interested under the username: akindofmagicx

Much Love ❤️

𝗜𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗹 (A Queen or Freddie Mercury Fanfic) 🤍Where stories live. Discover now