8. Hello, Again..

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Kelly's POV

The moment my brain becomes conscious, I pray to god that I become unconscious once again. Just the idea of life is exhausting, Isn't it?

Then my mind drifts to a certain moustached singer. And a smile subconsciously appears on my face. Unwillingly, I force open my eyes and turn to my bedside table where my clock lays. 8:15. Really? I've only been asleep for close to 6 hours. Can't that turn into 24? Why the one time I don't want to wake up normal time, I do? It's made 100 times worse because from what I recall I have a meeting with Martin later today.

Oh, did I forget to mention that? Yeah, it happens about 4 times a month. So, once a week, basically. It's way more than I want to see that prick, but still he's slightly tolerable I suppose. No doubt he will talk about Freddie and how I shouldn't see him again. Well, he can shove that back where the sun don't shine.

Before I could think of all the other things I could do to Martin- a knock sounds on the door.

"Kelly? You awake?" The blissful voice of Eric sounds distantly.

I groan slightly. "Yes! Unfortunately!"

All I got in reply is a laugh. I'm so lucky I have him. Soooo lucky. Note the sarcasm there. But on a genuine note, he is amazing and I'd be lost without him...... but I'd never tell him that, so I reply with.... "Okay! Don't rub it in you annoying twat!"
I hear the door open slightly, and Eric's voice gets slightly louder. "Sorry.....But Martins here, he wants to have that meeting now"

Instantly I feel very much awake. "WHAT?!?" I sit up and stare towards the head of my PA.

He sends me a sympathetic glance. "I tried to tell him but you know he's a stubborn bastard. And when I said now, I meant now. He's not exactly in a good mood"

I scoff. "When is he ever?"

"Good point. I'll tell him your getting ready, better not keep him waiting" he smiles. The door goes back to its closed state, and I fall back onto the bed and sigh. "Why me? Why does god hate me so much?" I whisper to myself.

Well, no good wallowing in self pity. Just get changed and deal with Martin. What's the worst that could happen.... ha ha.. yeah. I dread to answer that.

Quickly, I stand up and frantically run around my room looking for an appropriate outfit. Which ends up being a loose grey top and some black leggings, I just end up shoving my hair into a loose bun because why the fuck not?

I then head out the door and into the living room where Eric is trying and failing at keeping Martin in good spirits. Poor man.

I stand for a few seconds and observe Eric's shit socializing skills, I have to stifle some serious laughter.

Eventually, I clear my throat to break the awkward ass atmosphere and make my presence clear. Both men turn to me, and Eric gives me a thankful stare, I nod to him and make my way over and seat myself next to him.

For some reason Eric stays seated, Me and Martin slowly look toward the man who quickly realizes he isn't wanted there.

"Fuck- sorry... I'll just- yeah- Uhuh" he stands and half runs, half walks out of the room. I smirk at the receding figure that is my PA and best- and really only- friend.

Mr Dick-face starts talking and I'm instantly bored. Why don't I get rid of him? Like seriously? Bitch, save what is left of your sanity.

"So, last night..." Ugh, god. Here we go. He's about to preach me on Freddie isn't he?

"..I couldn't help but notice..." Go on....
"You and Mr Mercury got quite cosy last night, and- I want to advise something to you."

Say it bitch. I dare you. Say it.

𝗜𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗹 (A Queen or Freddie Mercury Fanfic) 🤍Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora