11. You Did This For Me?

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Kelly's POV

We drove through the streets of London, it was almost surreal to me... it felt like lifetimes had passed since I last walked through this city.
In all honesty, I've missed it- so much- I don't think I realised how much this country meant to me until now.

Eric must have noticed my almost emotional state and placed a hand on my knee, which made me look at him. "You okay?" He asks gently.

"Yeah, it's just weird to be back"

Eric chuckles "It is, but I haven't missed it as much as I thought."

"You haven't? Why not?"

He shrugged and looked out the window once again. "Because, I don't care what country I'm in...As long as I have my best friend"

My heart almost exploded at his words, and with my already heightened emotions a tear fell down my cheek. "Aww, your making me emotional, I order you to stop"

"No chance"

I don't know entirely how long the car journey took, because I like a good old day dream and got lost in my own imagination. But i did get a rather good idea for a song, so.. not all bad news.

We pull up outside Freddie's house, it was a rather nice street but what do you expect, it's Freddie Mercury.

I was going to pay the driver, but he said that Martin had already covered it, which surprised me- I didn't expect him too seems as he never wanted me to come back to England in the first place.

Quickly, I thank the driver anyway and give him £20 out of my emergency British money stash in my bag- so he can pocket it and buy whatever he wants with it.

I'm not entirely a bitch, y'know?

In the meantime, Eric has gone up to Freddie's house and knocked the door. It took about 20 seconds before someone answers, it wasn't quite Freddie- it was a man who was a few centimetres shorter than Fred with blonde hair and blue eyes. Roger Taylor.

His eyes widened slightly, before he smiled "Oh, hello."

"Hi Rog-" I tried to greet the blonde drummer however Freddie's voice cut me off. "Roger, dear. Don't keep them outside- invite them in for fucks sake"

The blonde went slightly red and moved to the side to allow myself and Eric inside, I smiled to the drummer and hugged which he returned.

Freddie then came over to me with a huge grin engraved onto his face which made my heart swell.
"Welcome home, Miss Dixon."

"It's good to be back" I sigh in content, Freddie turned to Eric and held out his hand for him to shake. "Good to see you, Eric"

I could see the slight surprise on my PA's face that THE Freddie Mercury has remembered his name. "You too"

The singer suddenly grabbed one of my hands squeezing it before letting go and grabbing two coats from a rack behind him handing one to me. "Put it on we're not sticking around, come on dear!"

"Oh, really? I want to say hello to the boys, it will only-"

"Say hello to them later! Come on!" Freddie then opens the door and drags me out of it before I can say another word lol I manage is a wave of goodbye to the confused men I've left behind.

We head outside where a car- which I saw earlier but didn't take any notice too- was parked with a driver in the front. "Freddie! Where are we going?!"

The man smirked. "That is for me to know and for you to find out, my dear Kelly"

I huff. "Oh come on, Fred! Pwease!" I whine in a childlike fashion while grabbing onto his arm. Freddie stares at me in a dreamlike state, which worries me slightly. "Freddie?"

Immediately, he goes red before stating randomly. "Do...do... erm..do you like Chinese food?"

I stifle a laugh and rise an eyebrow. "Yes... why? You gonna buy me some?"

"If you want to later, I'd do anything for you- well, not anything, but if you wanted me too I would, but...oh, you know what I mean-"

By now I was hysterical at his stumbling speech, but I had to cut him off "Fred, hey, calm down...just relax."

I could tell he was mortified from his nervousness not that I cared. "Sorry darling, I'm not usually like this."

"I know, I have that effect on people." I joke to which Freddie let out a snort. "Just be yourself" I assure.

Fred didn't need to reply because we shared a look of understanding, I was as nervous as him deep down- I made sure he saw that.

The rest of the car journey was quite relaxing, I just sat with my head on Freddie's shoulder, he at some point had slipped his arm around my waist.

I can't deny the effect it had on me, I swear my heart almost exploded and I began internally freaking out- how could I not? It's Freddie Mercury.

Once we reached our destination, the driver opened the door so we could get out. We were in a car park outside a shopping centre I send a quizzical look to the frontman. "Why are we here? We're going to get swarmed."

"No were not."

I raise an eyebrow in skepticism. "How? We're pretty recognisable, Fred"

Freddie began to speak in a borderline smug tone. "I happen to have booked this entire shopping centre for the day, just for us."

For once in my life I was speechless, I know it's not the most amazing thing on the planet but nobody had done anything close to this for me before. "You... you did this for me?"


"How much do I owe you?"

Freddie's mouth opened then closed and he looked at me like I was insane. "What?"

"How much do I owe you, for the day to have this place. How much was it?" I ask, there was no way I was letting him spend money on me. Not to this scale anyway.

"Don't be silly, darling. You owe me nothing, and I don't want to hear otherwise! Everyone deserves a treat every once in a while.. you more than most"

I oogled the man for a moment, not being able to convey the emotions I was currently feeling towards him. So instead I chose a non verbal option, I take a step closer to him fixating my eyes onto his- I smile before leaning in and placing a light kiss into his lips.

"Thank you" I whisper before pulling away, turning and walking towards the doors of the mall leaving Freddie in a kind of trance before he regained his ability to move and followed after me.

I could get used to that...

This chapter was shorter than I wanted, but I had better ideas for the next chapter as it will be from Freddie's POV cause we haven't had one of them in a hot minute.

It will hopefully be longer than this one as it will start from the beginning of this chapter but switched to Fred's POV. Also, the boys had will be involved more heavily in the next one!

Also, I apologize for this story being quite slow moving.. I want to make it as real as possible.

Thank you for the support on the book, I'm glad to know that people actually enjoy my writing!

You all mean the world to me thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Until next time, Much love ❤️

𝗜𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗹 (A Queen or Freddie Mercury Fanfic) 🤍Where stories live. Discover now