5. I Know The Feeling..

341 12 46

Kelly's POV

As Freddie pulled me away from everyone, I got a feeling in my stomach. Butterflies, kindly fuck off.

But no, they were persistent. As we say down, I couldn't help but smile at the man infront of me, I mean have you seen him recently?

My eyes raked over his form. Then I take a second look at his face, his sloping cheekbones and deep chocolate eyes. I could definitely get used to looking at him, I'll say that.

We both sit and stare at each other for an almost awkward amount of time.
Until Freddie clears his throat and stutters "S-so, erm- well- how are you?" While turning a slight shade of red.

"I'm well, very well in fact." I reply, amused my the mans timidness. I was actually surprised, from what I'd seen if the man he was quite the diva, but here he seemed the sweetest man I'd ever seen.

Freddie relaxes when I speak and smiles. "That's good to hear."

I nod and return the question. "And how are you, Mr. Mercury?"

"Ugh, please don't call me that. It makes me feel old." He laughs.

I chuckle at the disgusted lookthat sits in that beautiful face. "Sorry. But, seriously, how are you?"

"Oh, I'm fine dear. I'm in shock to be honest."

I raise an eyebrow. "Why?"

He looks at me and smirks slightly. "You. I'm surprised you turned up, I didn't expect you to."

"Why wouldn't I? I love a good party me."

Freddie's eyes widen slightly. "Really? I mean- well no offence, but you don't look the party girl, you look how do I say- dainty."

I scoff, not knowing whether to be offended or amused. "I'll have you know, I'm the furthest thing from dainty, you should know that, it's plastered on the news every fucking day. You don't want to see me in a bad mood."

Freddie looked slightly taken aback and chose his next words carefully. "I don't really read the news, half of its bullshit. But, I'm glad your into party's, we have that in common."

"We probably have a lot in common."

Freddie thinks about this. "Maybe. Who's your favourite music artist. And don't say yourself."

"Myself? No, I'm not vain. Trust me. Well, Erm, I like some Beatles, Elton John, Michael Jackson, maybe some Pink Floyd if Im in the mood, and some Led Zepplin, David Bowie- nice work by the way, I love under pressure."

"Yeah? That means a lot coming from you, and I must say you have good taste in music."

"I assume so do you."

"Yes. Most of who you said actually."

"Cool. Hey, do you want a drink?" I offer.

"Isn't it the mans job to buy drinks for the lady?"

"Yes, but I'm not your average lady." I wink, and get up and walk to the bar, eagerly followed by Freddie.

I pull out my purse and ask Fred. "What you want?"

"Vodka and Tonic. More vodka than Tonic."

"Alright." I laugh, and then gesture to the bartender. He comes right over.

"Yes, Miss?" He smiles politely.

"Hello, can I have a double vodka tonic, and a stiff double whiskey."


Freddie looks at me, a small amount of wonder on his face. "You like your alcohol."

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