13. Drinks On The House

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Kelly's POV

After sauntering myself way from Freddie and towards the doors of the empty mall, I had to turn back around to check that Freddie hasn't keeled over- because I wouldn't put it past him if I'm honest.

To my surprise, he was still standing but in a daze- I smiled and called out "Oi, Mercury! You coming then or what?"

This successfully breaks the man from his state and he comes bouncing over not hesitating to wrap an arm around my waist- I pulled open the door leading into the shopping centre.

It was a strange feeling, seeing something usually so full of life now empty, it was the closest thing to real we can get though as celebrities, it's certainly a price of fame. Fame did have its ups yes, but I do miss having those normal days out.

"So, my dear... where do you want to go first?"

"I feel like clothes shopping, can we do that?"

Freddie nodded "This is your day, Kelly darling- we do whatever you want to do"

I take Freddie's hand with a grin "Then let's go, Mercury- let's splash the cash"

Freddie laughed as I pulled him towards the first store which caught my eye, I needed some new casual clothes so why not? We got into the shop and Freddie went over and looked at some jeans, it took me a second but I realized they were women's jeans. My eyebrows raised and I pointed towards the garment "You do know they're women's jeans right?"

The singer rolls his eyes "Yes, I'm aware darling- I'm looking at them for you"

My face morphed into a playful smirk "Sure about that? Because you can tell me the truth- do you have a thing for women's clothing? I won't judge"

"As much as I'm partial to a bit of drag- normally, no- I'm perfectly masculine Kelly, darling."

"Is that right?" I chuckle standing in front of him lacing my arms around his shoulders letting him gaze into my eyes.

Fred hummed softly flickering his gaze to my lips "Indeed" he then leant in slightly but I then let my arms fall back to my sides quickly turning my attention back to the jeans.

Trust me, I want to kiss him. So fucking bad, I certainly feel a strong attraction to Freddie but I don't want to get in too deep yet and admit what I feel may be love .... but how do I know he won't hurt me?

"They're nice aren't they? I might go try them on actually, would you mind being the judge?" I asked cheerily trying to ignore the lightly disappointed or even hurt expression on Freddie's face as I moved away from him.

"Yeah, sure" he replies with a forced smile as I headed towards the changing room- I closed the door and locked it instantly backing against the wall and running my hands down my face.

I'm a mess.... I'm falling in love with Freddie Mercury... god help me...

As much as this crush started off fun, I'm now beginning to realise my feelings run deeper than that and that means I'm risking my heart here, I don't want to get hurt, I've been hurt by enough people. I knew Freddie wasn't a bad person and that he wouldn't intentionally hurt me but I can't run the risk.

As much as I want someone to spend my life with, to love unconditionally.... how do I know it's safe to let someone fully into my heart?

Despite my inner conflict I tried the jeans on and they were a perfect fit, I smiled as I looked at them on me in the mirror before I turned around and unlocked the door opening it to see Freddie leaning against the wall a few meters from me, at the sound of the door his head turned in my direction and a smile spread on his face which rather quickly turns into a smirk.

𝗜𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗹 (A Queen or Freddie Mercury Fanfic) 🤍Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora