12. Keep It Together!

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Freddie's POV

I hadn't been myself today, the boys will vouch for that. The moment I got off the phone with Kelly I couldn't contain my excitement so much so that I may or may not have even done a little tiny happy dance the moment I hung up.

It wasn't the most manly affair I must admit. 

Along with the very manly dance I called all the boys instantly and once I told them Kelly was coming back to London I said they had to come over to help me. I explained that I needed a gesture, a grand 'welcome home' type gesture. But I have no bloody clue where to start.

Although I knew Roger would be no help in a matter like this- I invited him anyway, he'd only throw a hissy fit at me if I didn't.

Probably lock himself in another fucking cupboard or he might upgrade himself to a wardrobe.

Seems as the boys had nothing better to do they all got to my house pretty quick, once here and settled in the talking began.

"So!" Began Roger "When's your woman arriving?"

I roll my eyes at the blonde. "She's not my woman!"

"You want her to be" Deaky states with a small smirk.

"Shut up" I mumble which makes his smirk grow wider but no further words are said.

"What time is Kelly arriving?" Brian then asks seriously.

Your the genius Brian, figure it out!
"I don't know the exact fucking time she'll knock the door do I? It's roughly what? 6-7 hours? It gives us a while."

Brian nods at my reply thinking of an idea which wouldn't take too long to organize and which is suitable for a woman. "What kind of gesture do you want? Romantic or Friendly?" Brian enquires.

That's actually a good question. Shall I keep it low-key, or just go all out. I don't want to make my feelings obvious-..... oh does that even matter I've done a great fucking job so far haven't I?

Before I could finish my sentence, Roger interrupted me with a scoff. "What you gonna do? Buy her the fucking Eiffel Tower?"

"Shut up Roger. Go fuck a car if your not going to help!" I said sharply, not up for his remarks right now. This was serious- probably the most serious I have ever been. My God, Impressing a woman is hard.

Brian continues to think for quite a while which began to agitate me. "Could you hurry up?"

In response to my agitated state I then hear a voice speak up, which wasn't Brian, so I to John as he says "You could always take her shopping?"

"Shopping? How the fuck can I go shopping? We'll be killed!"

A moment of quiet passes over is before Brian speaks "Not necessarily."


The guitarist went to elaborate when Rog began talking out the blue "Why are you going through so much effort for her? Don't get me wrong, I like her.... I really like her but how are you sure she's interested." Roger says looking between me and the others.

A sigh escapes my lips as I place myself down from a seat one side of the room to a seat on the other, "Even if she isn't then it doesn't matter. I still want to be her friend, she deserves it- a good friend." Wow, that wasn't cheesy at all.

"You really like her don't you?" Roger smiled softly.

I nod once in confirmation. Okay, this is getting a little too soppy now.

𝗜𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗹 (A Queen or Freddie Mercury Fanfic) 🤍Where stories live. Discover now