Chapter 17

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"What kind of ice cream do you want?"

Jimin squinted at the display, looking at the assortments.

"I don't know," he admitted. "What are you thinking about getting?"

Yoongi hummed and thought over the ice cream flavors.

"Mint chocolate chip," Yoongi decided. He tilted his head. "Do you want to share a bowl?"

Jimin nodded and stayed back as Yoongi ordered two scoops of the ice cream.

He didn't seem any different.

He didn't seem worried or pressed or anxious or any of the above. Instead, he was cool, collected and just as he always had been.

He led Jimin to a table and talked to him silently, asking him if he was ready for the up-and-coming semester.

Jimin kept his cool as well. The mint chocolate chip was good, and everything that he spoke about was stable and cool. In the past, he hadn't been good at hiding aspects of his personality from Yoongi. Jimin suspected that was partly because he didn't want to keep secrets from the older boy.

That still stood, but he also knew that Yoongi had always been able to tell when Jimin was keeping something from him. While he wasn't actively hiding anything from Yoongi at the moment, he knew that in the past, Yoongi would have seen his hesitance, and called him out on hiding something from him.

The fact that he wasn't now made Jimin think that a part of him wanted him to do this. He wanted him to find out about whatever was going on and had affected him in the past.

Jimin kept his suspicions to himself and instead rested his arm on the table while he played with his spoon.

"Yoongi, do you think you'll ever get tired of me?" He asked.

"No," he scoffed practically as soon as the question had left Jimin's mouth. "You're different than the other people I've met. You see parts of me that no one else does. That's why we are together."

"You're really something," Jimin said, a small smile gracing his lips. It flickered away after only a moment. "So even if you were upset with me and we got into a fight..."

"We're both adults, aren't we? We can talk it out," Yoongi insisted. "Why are you asking this?"

Jimin didn't respond. He just set down his spoon and stared blankly at the ice cream.


Jimin didn't look at Yoongi. It was killing him inside to risk his relationship with Yoongi over this secret. He wished he would just tell him... Or even more, he wished that Jimin was simply patient enough to wait for Yoongi to tell him. Yoongi reached across the table and took Jimin's hand in his own. It made Jimin rethink this whole thing.

Maybe... Maybe he should-

"Look who it is! Min Yoongi, long time no see!"

Yoongi's hand moved away from Jimin's so quickly that he was surprised by the action. Jimin looked over to see who could possibly elicit such a reaction from Yoongi and wrinkled his nose upon seeing that it was Daejung.

Daejung looked just as surprised to see Jimin.

"Hey, I met you yesterday, right? Jimin?"

Jimin nodded his head once and noticed out of the corner of his eyes that Yoongi was clenching his fists. He looked... Mad.

"Yeah, Daejung, I see we've met again," he stated. He couldn't rightly say that it was a pleasure.

"What are you doing here Daejung?" Yoongi asked. There was a bite in his voice and a shift to the way he was seated. He squared off his shoulders, clenched his jaw. It honestly made Jimin a little nervous.

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