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It was quiet, there were only sounds of birds and leaves being brushed by the wind. It was afternoon. Well, this didn't take so long after all! Heltinne just finished her plan and was about to put it in practice. She took her bag and put in it her notebook, some pencils, a lantern, batteries and some knives that she borrowed from the kitchen of the hotel.

I hope no one's notices it.

She took the bag from the ground and carried it on her hand as she headed to the door and opened it, just to find her dad standing in front of the door. Heltinne jumped at the sudden appearance of her dad.

"Jesus Christ, Dad! You scared me!" She put a hand on her chest, simulating an old woman that just had a heart attack. While she did it so, she shoved her bag to her side, trying to hide it from Arthur.

"Ah, sorry! I just wanted to see if your okay and if you need anything." He said while laughing a little.

"Well, as far as I can see I'm perfectly fine and I already ate sooooo..." She pointed to his room that was next to hers. "Oh, okay, I get it, no more daughter disturbing!" He said as he walked away from the door.

Heltinne closed the door but stopped at the sudden calling of her dad. "Heltinne..." She put her head out of the room to look at him. "I know that were being unfair, dragging you here. But just you know, that if you want to talk, I'll be here, okay?"

"Okay, dad..."

Heltinne slowly closed the door and laid her head on the door. The same awful feeling. She closed her eyes with pain. "Sorry, dad, but this time you can't hear what I have to say..."


Heltinne got out of her room by the window, is this going to be her new habit? Maybe. Nobody saw her, she was heading to the same trail as yesterday. Was this a bad idea? Probably. Is she going to die before she even finds the dragon? Who knows.

She's now walking inside the forest's path. Nothing happened until now. Good.

The girl was walking cautiously until she hears a sound coming from some leaves. Oh well, frick. She pulled out a knife from her bag. This time I'm not going to run... But if it is a giant dragon... The noise became louder. And closer.

Heltinne paralyzed, waiting for the unknown creature to show itself.

The noise became closer and closer until...

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE GODS YOU'RE DOING HERE?!" It's Astrid, half surprised and half furious.

Heltinne signed in relieve, but it got away fast as it came. "I was... Just passing by! Nothing much! I'm already going back, see-... Wait... What are YOU doing here?"

Astrid froze.

"I...Um... That's none of your business! Now go back to where you came from!" She yelled at the smaller girl.

"You were going to find the dragon by yourself, weren't you?" Heltinne said, crossing her arms.

"A-And what about you?" Astrid replied almost instantly.

The two girls stayed silence for a minute. Heltinne started to walk again, but this time in the opposite direction.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Astrid finally said, following Heltinne?
"I'm going to find that dragon and you're not going to stop me!"
"... Do you even know how to find him?" Astrid stopped and crossed her arms, just like Heltinne did before.

Heltinne stopped and turned around with an 'I know that I'm screwed but could you stop shoving that in my face?' kind of face. "Look, pal. I found him once, I can find him again."
"Are you sure? You aren't even from here, you know nothing about this land." The other girl replied with a smirk.

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