Happy (at first)

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Vera ran out of the college building towards the sidewalk. She just noticed Lucien walking past, holding his books and talking to one of his closest friends heading back to the dorms. Vera ran up and attacked Lucien from behind, holding onto his shoulders and pulling him close. She snuck a kiss onto his cheek.

" How are you my dear?" Lucien turned his neck to face her, interrupting his conversation with Adrian.

" Come on, it's like you can hear me from a mile away." She ran up beside Lucien and walked along side him and Adrian. They were making a line blocking the sidewalk, luckily not too many people were out at this time transitioning classes.

Adrian walked a little ahead and started to walk backwards so he could face these two. " As I was saying... the math exam was total bull crap. Some of the questions the proff didn't even go over " He ran out of time"" Adrian made quotation marks with his fingers. " We were suppose to study it on our own because it was on the syllabus. What a load of crap." Adrian about ran into someone while walking backwards. He just glared at them and keep walking.

" Well I did just fine. I believe." Vera replied.

"You always do fine." Lucien mocked her. " Your the smart one of us."

" I swear if I have to take that class again because of that stupid ass professor I'm dropping out." Adrian continues.

" You always say that. It's only midterms of our second semester" Lucien rolled his eyes.

All three got to the end of the dorm lots. "Well this is my stop." Vera jumped up and started to run towards her dorm, but turned around and ran back.

" Almost forgot, you free tonight?" She looked towards Lucien.

"Sorry hun, I promised Adrian we would hang out tonight. You can come too!"

" No, it's fine I don't wanna intrude."

" Your not. Plus Adrian doesn't mind!" Vera looked towards Adrian and was unsure with how he was staring her down. Not in a "I hate you way" but a " Please back off" way. " I'll let you guys have your guys night." Lucien kisses Vera on the lips and walked off towards Adrian's house.

Vera has her own friend to talk to instead of Lucien. She didn't have to be around him all the time.

Vera and Samantha, Sam for short, were sitting in Vera's tiny bedroom. They decided to sit on the desk and have a cliché moment together. They decided to watch movies and eat popcorn. Both were into the movie about spies saving the world, only for the aspect that the main character was beyond hot. It was the middle of the movie and the two rival spies were having a romantic moment.

" So when are you going to tie the knot."

Vera was about to put a handful of popcorn into her mouth, but froze at her friends comment. " Excuse me?"

" You know. You and Lucien. It's been what, 2 years you have dated. You have to tie the knot eventually."

" We... haven't really talked about it."

Sam looked at Vera with wide eyes. " You have got to be kidding me."

" No." She just said plainly.

" And why not. It's been two Flippin years!"

" Well, we just don't talk about that stuff...Now thinking about it we don't talk much on the level of a personal life."

" Any particular reason?" Samantha shoves a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

" I don't know. He just doesn't talk about it. I don't know his family, very few friends, or his past. He just likes to stay in the present."

" Now that doesn't sound like an excuse like at all." Sam waved her hands around.

"It's not like that. He's not cheating!"

" I would at least consider it. If not at least ask him why he doesn't get personal. At least tell me you have... you know."

" Knock it off Samantha" Vera threw popcorn at her. " and no not yet. I'm saving myself."

" It's been two years! Pussy" she whispered the last part.

Vera mouthed "OMG" and pushed Sam. At this point they were ignoring the movie.

Adrian and Lucien were sitting on the ground in front of Adrian's tv. Both had PlayStation controllers in their hands and battling one another in a fighting game. Lucien was moving his body left and right really getting into the game, holding his all against Adrian who was just sitting there leisurely, but still enjoying himself.

" Got anymore exams to do?" Adrian asked.

" Yah I have one more tomorrow for my science class, but it's easy. You?"

" Your really going to ask me if I'm going to study? You know I don't get that much into my role. I don't get why you do?"

" Sorry if I want the full experience of being a human." Lucien said still concentrating on his game.

" Dude your 200 years old. Why even go back to school?"

" Because she's here, plus never really done it."

" Mentioning her. Are you going to do it yet?"

"Do what?" Lucien was mashing he buttons while his character was getting its butt kicked. "Come on." He yelled at the screen.

" You know what. It's been two years. If I didn't know you I'd say you actually have feelings for this human?"

Player two wins!

"Yes!" Adrian threw the controller on the ground.

"Excuse me. I do not!" Lucien places the controller on the ground and walked to the fridge. " If I remember right you once took 11 years to court a girl, and you weren't even " dating". You were what? A friend?"

" You know what I mean. Your different around her. Your... nice."

" It's all an act. Ok!"

" So when are you claiming your pet?"

" Trust me it'll be soon. May even be any day now."

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