Hard Truths

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This is what Lucien looks like! 

Vera attentively approached Gina. The girl was standing straight like a recruit in the army, but the closer Vera approached she could easily see her arms were shaking like crazy. She had an outfit on like her but with so many differences. Gina had on more of an outfit a stripper would in New York City. Now thinking about it, the outfit Vera was wearing was more of an outfit a defiant teen would wear to a Catholic school.

Gina had on a black leather skirt that did show her butt. If she bent down the whole world could see her underwear, Vera assumed by the outfit she wasn't wearing any or was wearing a thong. Her shirt was a crop top revealing her very skinny and scarred body, showing the world her cleavage along with her butt. 

Approaching, Vera made sure Adrien and Lucien were occupied.  " Hey, are you ok?"

Looking over at Vera, Gina remained silent.

" You ok? They're not going to do anything, their busy playing a video game."

Gina peered right into Vera's eyes seeming like she was crazy. This girl was obviously scared for her life.

" Will you be quiet? They will hear and then we will get it."

Vera sighed. It was irritating but completely understandable to say the least. Vera really didn't want to do what she was thinking, but she knew it was her best chance.

Lucien was busy talking about a new video game that came out in the human world and was interested in taking a trip over just to play it for a few days. Vera walked to the edge of the table and waved her hands at him. She felt stupid but she doesn't want to yell for him knowing Adrien would notice too. She stood and waved her hands at him for what seemed like 2 minutes, but his eyes finally settled on her.

Lucien's eyes glared at her, and she could visually see what he was saying. Just through those eyes, she could see he was saying " You better shut up and behave before I come over there." She wanted to so badly cower and get away from his gaze, but this was not the time. She took a breath then wandered over to Gina gesturing to her.

Follow his instincts. That's all Lucien should have done. He should have just brush it off and went back to his friend. He took a quick glance over, with a smug and taunting look, allowing his eyes to land on the girl. He removed his eyes instantly to continue the conversation, but then took a double take.

His friend seemed to blur into the background, and he couldn't hear his best friends voice anymore. He looked straight at Gina and took in her horrid sight. Lucien immediately noticed the bruises and scars. He didn't even care about the clothing, in all honesty he never cared about the girl's clothing like some of his species do. He was exaggerating with Vera. The poor girl was shaking under his glare and had messed up hair. It honestly looked like someone took handfuls and ripped some out of her head, so someone else took scissors and cut her hair short...they probably did. The bruises looked purple and blue, and some were still forming. It was obvious something happened on the way here and the rest were days old. Lucien had no idea what Adrien did to this girl, but it was unspeakable. In all reality he knew his species should not care. He wanted to go into the other room and punch himself in the face. Why was he caring so much?

Lucien got Vera's hint and grabbed his friend's shoulder, before he turned around. " Hey. I honestly have to show you this really cool consul idea from the human world. You can't say all ideas from them are stupid after seeing this."

Adrian and Lucien left, so immediately Vera ran over to the girl. " There. They are gone. Are you alright?" Gina just looked at Vera and started to shake.

" H-how did you do that?"


"Get him to listen to you?"

" Let's not worry about that. Let's get you fixed up first." in all reality, she didn't even know how she got Lucien to listen to her. She shakes her head back into reality. Focus. Vera slowly and cautiously helped Gina to a place to sit. She stumbles a few times and every time she did stumble it made Vera wince from metaphorically feeling the pain through her actions. The girl could only do one thing, she slumps to the ground and relaxes her shoulders. Vera wanted to so badly knock out the girl with one punch, just to give her a chance to relax and sleep.

" Give me a moment Adrien! I forgot my phone in here."

Vera released Gina's arm and allowed her to slump to the ground. She ran in front of her guest, trying to poorly conceal her relaxing body. Lucien walks in looking for something, she just couldn't tell what. He used the excuse of a phone, but she knew he always had it.  He looked under the table, on top of the dinner table, even crouched to see the chair area better. What was he looking for?

The Calinthro stood up and came level with Vera's shaking body. She was praying he would just grab what he needed and left. The titan placed a hand on the table and helped his own body to hoist up. Placing  his arm on the table, he applied pressure. Vera could hear and even feel every creek the wood was making under his weight. Their eyes meet after raising his enormous and cumbersome body half way up to a standing position,  and all Vera could do for  a millennium was become hypnotized by those yellow, piercing, cat like eyes. Wait...yellow and cat like?

Standing all the way up, Lucien released his weight from the table. As he removed his arm from the wood, he seemed to "Accidentally" drop something. The giant got to his standing position then ran off towards the other room.

Vera grabbed the object he dropped and just stared in shock. Antibacterial and aloe mix  was the name on the product. She didn't think too long before she stood on the bottle making some substance to appear at the opening. She didn't even hesitate and ran over to the shaking girl, and cautiously applied the substance...

Lucien and Adrien are Completely different...and this is just the start of their interaction. Do you think Lucien will protect his doll from his best friend or play right into his instincts? Please comment below and tell me what you think. Don't forget to Follow and Vote it you like the Chapter! Thanks

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