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Vera had officially retired for the night. Sam left an hour ago and it was now 2:00 in the morning. She had to get up early for a class, so it was probably a smart idea to turn it in for the night. Vera got on her favorite soft pajamas that were purple with a cartoon tiger on them. She still had some snack food in her room, like chips and popcorn. She was taking them into the kitchen, while still snacking on the popcorn. She was throwing one at a time into the air and catching it in her mouth.

It was close to the weekend, so she was the only one in her dorm right now. She loved when it was Thursday, because on those days, all her roommates would leave for the weekend and not return till class time on Monday. A building built for six all to herself.

Vera was placing everything back in the cabinets. When she heard someone wandering around in her apartment.


No answer.

Brenda? Terra? ( her other roommates)

Ok, Lucien, I know I gave you a key, but you can't just sneak in here without telling me.

Vera looked around the kitchen looking for any shadows, or to see if she could hear a reply. Of course, it was late at night with cars constantly moving by, so shadows were moving across the wall making her jump. She even saw a shadow of a person outside reflected in the dining room that made her jump out of her skin.

Lucien seriously. Knock it off!

Vera walked into the living room getting a little anxious. She was getting no reply or seeing a sign of another soul, but she knows for a fact she saw someone run by in the shadows.

Alright, maybe it's my nerves.

Vera started to walk back to the staircase hesitantly. This was all in her mind, but she couldn't shake the feeling there was a small chance she was wrong.

Vera felt someone place a hand on her shoulder when she started to head up the stairs. She turned around to look at her attacker, but did not get a clear view. As soon as she turned she viewed a familiar but dark figure. Vera'a body started to go limp and everything was going black. It started with the edges of the room then consumed her vision. She could not make out any features and felt her body drop to the floor, but did not feel the impact.


Vera woke up on a hard surface. She moaned out while trying to stretch. She wasn't in pain, but her body was stiff and uncomfortable.

" Vera."

She heard a voice calling out to her and it sounded like it was in the distance. Like the owner was miles away. Vera fluttered her eyes trying to get rid of the blackness inhabiting them so she could locate where exactly she was.

" Vera."

There it was again. Someone calling her name, but a bit closer. She rolled over onto her back and breathed steadily trying to calm her body and collect herself.

" Alright Vera Come On!"

She jumped out of her skin and flung her body up. She was now in a sitting position looking all around trying to figure out who would dare to talk to her like this.

She blinked a few more times and her surroundings became clear. Towering over her was a human figure. The realization started to dawn on her. She backpedaled away from the figure.

" Vera, my pet calm down."

She ran behind a pillar to try and conceal her body from the monster. Vera started to hyperventilate. She bent down to set her head between her legs and tried to catch her breath. After a minute she moved her head up and peered around, trying to check her surroundings, but avoid the monster.

Vera's mind started to go miles a minute. She did not recognize any of her surroundings. She was in a house she didn't recognize and everything was huge. Even the supposed pillar she was behind was a salt shaker on a table.

The " pillar" was removed and Vera was left to look at the creature. She opened up her eyes to look upon the looking figure.

" Lucien?"

Looming over her was her familiar boyfriend from back home.

" The one and only!" Lucien has a evil grin on his face. She seen this grin before, but never with her. It was more something he used around his guy friends when he was about to do something he knew would anger them.

" Hello darling. How are we this morning?"

Morning. Was she passed out all night?

" Lucien, what happened? And where are we?"

Lucien's face became stern for a moment. " Do not call me that pet..."

Did he just call her pet?

" and we are at my home in my dimension."

" Wait, home? Dimension? What are you talking about?!" She started yelling up at him.

He gave her a glare. " Well you humans call it hell but..."

Vera cut him off. " Hell!"

She started to hear a growl to emanating from Lucien. "Yes, we Calinthro call hell home." He said like a "Duh statement".

Calinthro... Calinthro. Why did that name sound familiar?...wait! Wasn't that a creature Lucien did his research paper on in English class. We had to do folk lore of different countries. I did one on Dullahan, the Irish equivalent of the headless horseman, and Lucien talked about Calinthro. Creatures who sucked in their prey by gaining their trust. Then when the time was right the victim would disappear along with the fabled Calinthro. In many versions, they had other forms. Well now she knows what they look like.

Vera looked at Lucien. He looked just like normal human just huge. He never mentioned they were demons either. He probably didn't mention a lot about the truth.

She came completely into the open.  "So What now Lucien?"

"Well first off stop calling me that! It's master. You will learn in time."

It started to dawn on her. This wasn't the Lucien she grown to adore after so many years of dating. This was a demon.

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