Night on the Town...with visitors

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It honestly took some time for Vera to get Lucien off of her. She honestly wanted to so badly push him off her lap and watch him tumble to the ground. It was the least he deserved, but something inside of her was also telling her to leave him alone. They would never get a chance like this when they went back to hell. Why spoil the few moments they had together. She could tell he felt guilty from how he broke down. How he spoke to her. To even the actions he was taking right now not wanting to leave her side, just wanting to be as close as he could to her. She loved this. This is all she thought about since she was brought to that place...but the reality was...he was still a Calinthro. A giant demon of hell who would always own her. Her body. Her soul. Her choices. Didn't matter if at this moment they were together like old times. When they go back to his home he would be a towering giant demon. And she a handheld human toy.

She placed her hand on his head, beginning to stroke, just trying to enjoy this moment while they still had it. Closing her own eyes to imitate the one in her lap, she leaned back a bit on one hand taking in one long breath.

They sat in silence to allow all of their emotions and words to sink in. They both needed time to process everything exchanged. That was until her stomach started to growl. Both heard the noise come from within causing Lucien's head to lift up a bit to get a better look at Vera. "Do you need anything?"

Her face turned red in the cheeks and she could just feel the heat radiate off of them. " me I'm fine."

Sitting up all the way he looked her directly in the eyes with concern. Why was she trying to hide something so simple? "Don't lie to me. Come on." He started to stand up straightening up his hair.

"No. I promise. I'm fine." She looked away trying to hide her reactions to something so simple. In hell, she would be feed when he was good and ready. She didn't want him to hold this over her or act like she was demanding food.

In reply, he just gave her a questioning look with the matching action of rolling his eyes. "Just come on. I can tell your hungry." He grabbed her hands pulling to force her off the bed. "I'm not going to get angry. Your human. You're hungry. Let's get something." She was honestly amazed at how gentle and understanding he spoke these words. If she dared to speak out demanding food or even her body showed weakness demanding sustenance she could easily see him saying she would have to wait longer.

She allowed him to drag her body out of the bed then through the door. She wasn't sure how they were going to get anywhere without a vehicle, but deep in her heart, she knew he would protect her, even if he was only protecting his property.

Walking down the sidewalk he keeps her hand in his. After a few seconds, she could feel his hand start to get sweaty while he would adjust it over and over trying to make sure her hand was interlocked in his in a way they wouldn't separate even by accident. It was like their first date. He was nervous. Looking over at his face she could tell he was trying his best not to seem nervous or scared. Following his body down she noticed his arm was actually shaking. All she could think about was how cute this was...but then a second of doubt would enter her head saying she shouldn't be doing this. He didn't deserve a second chance.

Slowly she slipped her hand out of his then walked a bit faster. She wasn't going to allow him to be charming and cute to win her back. He would have to do more than that.

"It's not going to be that easy. Let's just get food and head back." she forced a smile to cross her features as she turned around to walk backward. She noticed the hand she was holding not even a few seconds ago start to ball up into a fist. She couldn't really tell from what though. Was he trying to hide his anger? Anger about her having the free will to remove herself from him? Anger at himself? Or neither? Was he just trying to capture the feeling of her hand in his? Knowing he wouldn't feel that ever again. Slowing down her pace she got closet to his body, but still not touching him. "Hey. Cheer up. We're both in the human world. This won't last long for either of us, so let's enjoy it." she knew she shouldn't. She was proving her point, but those barrier feelings from the few year relationships were telling her to act. She knew she could not go running to him. She didn't know if he would even change back to his old seld. If he was serious about this then he would have to prove it, not just show off that charming personality that seemed to be made just for her. That emo looking exterior with blonde hair that made her sink anytime she was close....the persona he gave everyone to just piss off. Everything from his looks, eyes, clothes rang leave me the hell alone...but for her, he would always let her in. Always showing that glimmer of a soft side reserved only for She couldn't. He hid too many things from the world including her.
"So do you know a place around here?" she asked shrugging her shoulders. "This place doesn't even-"

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