The Other Kind

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Lucien glared at the other man in complete confusion. He was a stubborn man but this was throwing him for a loop. His instincts were telling him this man in front of him was a demon the same demon as himself. Every fiber of his being was yelling at him to protect his property. That this man was not scared to snatch his human away from him. He had the same instincts with Adrien, but at least that was his friend...or who he thought was a friend. With Adrien, it was more like a parent with an eight-year-old. Watch her, be cautious, but he didn't jump up every time someone approached them. With this man, Lucien just wanted to run over to his human, grab her in a protective hug or shove her behind him, and walk away.

There were several problems with these thoughts though. One, this wasn't his human. If he wanted to gain her trust back he couldn't keep viewing her with his demon mindset. He couldn't be a Calinthro, he had to act human. The second problem was his instincts were telling him one thing and his mind what does he trust! If he acted in the wrong manner then that could spell an instant disaster for both of them.

"Come on man. Just relax. Nothing is going on here." Lucien could hear the other...thing say these words, but his body language said differently. On the contrary, he was acting just like he was. Attempting to stand in front of his girl, not taking his eyes off Lucien, if the man could growl he probably would be doing that too. The only thing stopping him was probably his girl. The one talking to Vera didn't seem concerned, not even frightened. The girl pulled Vera from the side and was talking up a storm like they were long time friends.

Vera could just sense how close both boys were to them. At this point, it was just obsessive hovering. They move, the boys move, it was like a dominant stare down to see who would move first. She rolled her eyes finally breaking her conversation with this mystery thinking about it she didn't even know this girl's name and she just opened up to her about her own experience. She had to be desperate to tell someone.

She grabbed ahold of Lucien's shoulder in a tender way to snap his instincts out of attack mode. As soon as her hand touched his skin she could feel an instant release. His whole demeanor and psyche changed targets. Now he was solely focused on her. The tension present under her skin immediately relaxed. His eyes stopped honing in on its prey and suddenly started to state into her soul, but not in a bad way. It was more like a puppy dog looking up at you saying sorry for his actions. Everything relaxed and was trying to draw her in to make her fall for his antics. She could feel Lucien place his hand over the one on his shoulder in a tender way to say he was sorry and wanted all her attention.

She could just melt. All of this change in a second. From seeing red with blood to a puppy dog in her hands just with one touch. She so badly wanted to melt in his strong protective arms...but no. As quickly as it started Vera shook her hand from under his and gave him a stern look. "Will you two idiots knock it off. I can feel your dominant possessive manners from over here and I doubt..." She gestured to the girl beside her.


"And I doubt Eury wants to deal with your childish banter either. I swear, grow up neither of us are yours."

Giving both teens a glare that could kill, she could tell that Lucien felt bad. He was looking down at the ground, occasionally giving these side glances towards Donovan. It was like a five-year-old getting in trouble mixed with a kicked puppy. Donovan on the other hand swung his arms around Eury's waist and held her in place. He began to snake his head around her neck and kiss her while saying "I'm sorry. My old instincts came back. I told myself I would never go back to those ways and here another...demon drags it out." While speaking he gave these cruel glares over towards Lucien but also swung his body back and forth with his girl in his grasp.

Vera wished she had that again.

"Oh stop sucking up to her. Just explain yourself, please." The Demon growled out losing patience by the second while he watched Eury playfully pull away from her man's arms and mess with his cap.

The most she could get out was in a laugh before she finally spoke. "Look, it's simple. He used to be a Calinthro. " turning around she kissed Donovan on the cheek before addressing Lucien. "Like I was trying to explain to Vera here, he used to be a Calinthro. He turned human maybe...what was it? A year ago?"She asked looking up to her boyfriend.

"No, probably closer to a year and a half," he commented trying to think of a specific time. Vera could hear a growl coming from behind her. A very irritated growl. She watched as Lucien walked up to the two love birds splitting them up by forcing himself between them. He was tired of these two showing off to show she was claimed already. "Look you can't be serious. No Demon has ever turned human. It's just not possible. If I brought you back to Hell you would be just like me."

"No, it's possible. I swear. It's a lot simpler than you think. You just simply-"

"No! It's not possible!" Lucien couldn't take the lies being uttered from the other demon's mouth. He's tried for years to change what he was. To act differently. This...curse has caused him to manipulate people and harm the one he truly loves...loved. It couldn't be that simple! He grabbed both the love birds' arms with one hand then Vera's wrist with another. He could feel her struggle, but he didn't care at this point.

So what do you think? Is the Demon telling the truth or is this all a trick? I know either way Lucien probably won't take it well. Comment below your thoughts. Please I love feedback. Don't forget to vote and follow for more!

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