A Glint of Light in the Darkness

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Vera looked up at Lucien like he just cursed her out and she couldn't believe it. " You are calling me a liar?"

"Yes. I am calling you a liar because I can see from here that you are injured. I can see scratches all over your body like a cat got a hold of you."

" Well, technically one did." She knew what she just stated made no sense, but she couldn't stand for him to be correct.

Lucien just shook his head in disapproval and grabs her body without any warning at all. As soon as his skin made contact with her whole body he could feel her fighting back. He could tell she didn't care that he was her Master. She did not want to be touched. He honestly did not care.

Lucien walked to his bed, allowing her body to drop to the mattress like she was an old doll not made of porcelain.

The tiny girl stumbled from the surface and could only scowl at his carelessness. He was correct in one assumption, though. After what his "Friend" just did to her, she did not want to be handled, period. She felt violated and exposed. The only explanation she had was she felt like a man just ran his hand down her body trying to inspect her to make sure she was the one. To her, the whole experience felt like she was under the microscope and the observers were handsy, uncaring boys. Not men. Boys. If she was regular sized, this feeling could only be described as being harassed or being violated. The worst part of it all, was her Ex, if you wanted to call him that, just sat there observing the whole thing. It was official. Nothing of their past still existed. Her old boyfriend would have come to her rescue. He wouldn't have even allowed her near clothing like this. He wouldn't let another guy even breath on her wrong. That guy was gone. She fell to her knees and grabbed a hold of them. She just wanted this day to end, maybe even week.

Lucien just rolled his eyes at her exaggerated stances. He walked into the bathroom he owned looking through the compartment behind the mirror. When he could not find what he swore was present, he opened up the drawers one by one, rummaging through everything, getting more anxious with each one. It got to the point he opened up each drawer with a different amount of strength. He yanked on the third drawer a bit disappointed with the last two, finally finding what he needed...Wait this isn't what he needed. Lucien picked up the band-aids, excited he found what he needed, then the obvious hit him. They were too big. Just one would cover her whole front side. He threw all of them back into the drawer, not even caring about the mess, and proceeded to rip the fourth drawer open to continue looking, he could feel the drawer about to fall out-of-place just from the force he exerted.

Finally after opening up the fourth drawer, he dragged out the first aid kit. He slammed it onto the counter, ripping open the top. He ended up rummaging in the kit to find all he needed, luckily finding everything present.

This was it for him. This was finally his breaking point. He didn't know why, but just trying to get supplies for her was making him have a mental breakdown. The demon's whole body started to shake. He slammed one fist down on the sink, making the whole surface shake, and he placed his head down along with it. In his head he counted down from five.

"Five...Four...Three..." With every number he took a deep breath just trying to calm down his body and mind.

"One." he took one last breath, sliding his body down to the ground with his back still to the sink.

" Keep it together Lucien. You can do this."

It was like he was having an internal war within himself. He knew how he was supposed to act, how he was expected to act, but it went against every fiber of his body.

"Alright." He took a few more breaths. " I just have to walk in there, hand her the materials, then walk out. That's all you have to do. Nothing else." he was yelling at himself for some reason like a parent was to their kid." That's all you do."

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