The Hunt

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Vera no longer focused on the world around her. All she could think was run. She didn't know the surroundings, and she sure as hell couldn't trust the people around her. At this point, she didn't even know where Gina was. All she could think about was hiding. Hide and be quite.

She saw that shadow, and it penetrated fear into her heart. She didn't know Lucian anymore. She didn't want to know Lucian anymore.

For some reason, it took a few seconds for her brain to send the message of, run, to her body. She froze, just imagining what she was looking at. All she could do for a few seconds, was take deep, hyperventilating breaths, and stare at the shadow of the creature approaching her.

Then, it seemed like something reconnected in her mind, either she became so scared it was the instinct of flight, or the delayed messages finally made it to her legs, but she ran as fast as she could across the floor.

Every inch her legs carried her, carried her farther and farther away from the danger, but also farther and farther away from Gina. Now that she was thinking more clearly, where was Gina? She already knew what was coming and ran on ahead, leaving poor Vera behind. " That traitor," she yelled out in her head.

Vera ran as fast as she could, realizing she was passing up opportunities of perfect hiding spots such as: under the table, under the TV, and even the couch. She stopped running for a moment, contemplating going underneath a bookcase, but then she second-guessed herself. That's obvious, plus if they are practicing for hunting, it's likely they have hunted before, so a spot like under a simple piece of furniture was not going to save her. She started to run once more, trying to find anywhere that wasn't obvious for a bloodthirsty beast.

Vera ran into Lucian's bedroom and noticed her house. In all reality, it was an obvious place to hide, but, it may be difficult for them to get to her. She slowly, yet as quick as she could, scurried up the table, using anything she could grab onto to hoist herself up, like splinters and crevices in the table. She hoisted herself up onto the table and took a second catch her breath. She peered up, still not seeing either monster, but she could definitely hear them. It sounded like they were flipping furniture, breaking objects, and she could hear a grow emanating from them. It wasn't a screech, but it wasn't a yell either. It was something she never heard before in her life.

Vera ripped open the door and ran under the bed. She could just feel it in her nerves. This was not going to work, but she had no other choice.

She could hear the thumping outside of her room, then the moving of objects. She could tell one, or maybe both, where moving objects out of their way, looking for her specifically. All she could think about was the hope that Gina was well hidden.

She could hear one of them start to mess with the house. All of the walls were creaking, and all she could do was cover her ears, and wish for it to stop.

The house was lifted into the air, she could feel her stomach drop to the ground and hear the growling from outside. It almost sounded like an animal trying to figure out how to open a box or jar. It's usually funny to watch, but from inside the box, it was terrifying. She could hear the claws scraping up against the side, and digging into the plastic material, reminding her this was not a real and secure place. Her body was thrown around with every little movement from the outside.

Her body was thrown around inside, reminding her she was insignificant and could not do anything. The most she could do, was care for her bruises later in the day, if there even was, a later in the day. Her body slammed against the window as the house was turned on its side. At this point, she was sore and not thinking straight.

" Will you cut it out!" she screamed, but as soon as it left her mouth, she covered it in regret.

The house turned upside down, causing Vera to tumble onto the ceiling of the house. " Please stop." She groaned. She knew her body couldn't take much more of this. While the creature was fiddling with the house to pry it open, Vera took the chance to get to the window and yank it open with all her might. With the momentum and gravity working against her, it seemed like the window gained 100 Ibs, but she knew she had to get out of here. As steady as she could, she threw her body onto the edge of the window ledge and looked down.

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