Soft and Cruel Demon

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This is a Christmas/Winter chapter. This is not canon to the story at all.

Vera wandered around the flat she currently called home. It was just one of those times, and one of those days, that Lucien left for the day and visited his fellow friends. Every time he left, he always expected her to complete a list of chores. Today it was the same as always: start the laundry, dry the dishes, get the dust, and cleaning up her own house.

By high noon she had already finished the laundry and her house was spic and span. She could take a white glove across her floors and furniture and no dirt would be present. She just had to do one more job for the day and then she could take a break and relax. The dusting.

Vera ripped off a piece of an old rag and wandered over to a cabinet Lucien had full of chemicals. She walked past every colorful bottle and spray can until she found one specifically made for dusting off hardwood furniture and floors. Vera placed both hands on one side of the can and applied as much pressure as she could with her body and arms till it slowly toppled over. She then placed the rag she was using in front of the white whole, where the spray came from and wandered to the opposite side of the can. She did the exact same action and pressed on the button using all of the pressure of her body and arms until it slowly started to move. The stream doused the rag smothering it in part till it was drenched in chemicals. Vera grabbed the rag and used all of her might to close the cabinet, knowing Lucien would have a major problem of she left everything open.

Vera then wrapped the stinging and drenched rag around her shoulder and climbed up the fireplace. It took her using the engravings and decorations to climb up half the wood, the other half she resulted to using a string and hook like a menial borrower. Just scaling the fireplace took her fifteen valuable minutes.

Vera reached the top and took her time to collect her breath. It didn't matter how long she's been stuck here doing this job, she would never be in shape to scale such a sheer drop and not be out of breath. She places her hand on the wall and leans over to help herself catch a breath. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a calendar of some sort. She couldn't read it at all, it had to be in a language that Lucien's kind read, because it didn't even look like the months we're made out of letters, they looked like shapes and numerical numbers. She looked at the picture present on the calendar and recognized it automatically. The picture showed a creepy looking creature with claws and a Santa sack sling across it's back, but behind the weird creature was obviously a Christmas tree and snowman. Vera didn't recognize the numbers on the calendar either, so she counted the days.

" 20,21,22,23,24,25...26" she's been here for a total of twenty-six days in the last month of the year. " December 26th. The day after Christmas. I stayed here passed Christmas and he didn't even say anything. He didn't even have his house decorated for Christmas...why?"

"Lucien! Come on! We have to pick out a tree, get ornaments, decorate the dorms, we only have a week to get all of this finished before the Christmas party is held at our Dorm!" Vera was jumping up and down and dragging her boyfriend through all the Isles that contained for sale Christmas items. Both looked through all the broken and old objects that were pushed aside and rejected by the normal person, but they were college students. They couldn't be too picky. "Lucien! Look at this!" She ran over to him like a child and shoved an old and cracked ornament in his face.

" And What are we going to do with that?" He grabbed it from her hands and turned the ornament around trying to pick out the significance of the worn-down item in his hand.

" It's not what it has on it... look at what it says." On the ornament was a hand-painted quote in red that reads " Love is a friendship set to music." Then on the back of the ornament were music notes sitting perfectly on a scale. Vera loved music, she may not want to become a professional singer, but music was her life and Lucien loved that about her, at least that's what he said. Lucien turned the ornament back over in his hand and placed it in the cart. " Alright. But we are getting new Christmas lights for the tree."

Lucien didn't even return from his friend's house till 12 at night. He walked in and inspected all the places he assigned his little pet. The laundry was started, the dishes were dried, he went over to her house and peered in. Inside she was already passed out on her bed, to Lucien, it looked like the small girl finished her work and flipped down on her bed. She still had her casual clothes on and even her shoes. She was laying on her stomach and snoring away.

Lucien slowly walked away and looked for anyplace she dusted. He even told her in the note he didn't care where she dusted, but he better be able to tell where she was.

Lucien walked over to the fireplace and immediately noticed the shine from the chemical she was using...then something else caught his eye. He noticed a card of some kind sitting on the mantel. On the card, there was a Christmas tree, a cabin, and a snowman on it. He curiously opened it up and stared at the message. He couldn't. Just couldn't.

Sorry we missed Christmas. I didn't even realize it was December. I'm not sure if you even actually like Christmas or if that was all an act too, but you seemed to enjoy it just as much as I did. Merry Christmas

Then at the very bottom was a quote he would never forget for the life of him

Love is a friendship set to music hope you find your happiness once more.

Lucien slowly closed the card and sat down at the table clutching the card. He honestly didn't know if he should throw it away or hide it among his other processions.

Thanks for reading the late Christmas special! I love these two so much so of course I had to do more of a sad chapter then fluff. Don't worry there will be more fluff in the future, just not yet. I'm curious why do you thinck Lucien acts the way he does? Does he still love her? Does he hate her? Is she a pet? Please comment. And don't forget to vote and Follow for more G/t content! Thanks!

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