||Chapter 43- Asmaul Husna||

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Allah: If someone recites this name of Allah 1000 times daily, Allah will remove all doubts and uncertainties from your heart and impart determination and faith.

Ar-Rahman: Who repeat this name 100 times after each fard (Obligatory) prayer will have a good memory, a keen awareness, and be free of a heavy heart

Ar-Rahim: Who repeats this name 100 times after each Fajr prayer will find everyone to be friendly towards him and he will be safe from all worldly calamities.

Al-Malik: He who repeats this name many times every day after the Fajr prayer will become rich by the grace of Allah.

Al-Quddus: Agitation never comes close if someone recites it 100 times every day.

As-Salam: He, who repeats this name 160 times to a sick person, will help him to regain He who repeats this name frequently will be safe from all calamities.

Al-Mumin: Who repeats this name 631 times will be safe from harm.

Al-Muhaymin: He who takes bath and offers two rakats of prayer and repeats this Name 100 times with sincere concentration, Allah will purify his external as well as internal condition.

Al-Aziz: He who repeats this Name 41 times after each Fard prayer will be independent of need from others and gain honor after disgrace.

Al-Jabbar: He who repeats this Name will not be compelled to do anything against his wishes, and will not be exposed to violence, severity or hardness.

Al-Mutakabbir: He who repeats this Name frequently will be granted status and respect. If He repeats this Name frequently at the commencement of every act, He will achieve success by the grace of Allah.

Al-Khaliq: Allah will assign an angel to guide the person righteously if he recites this name 100 times continuously for a prescribed limit of 7 days.

Al-Bari: This name only signifies that Allah created all things in proportion.

Al-Musawwir: Recite this name 21 times and do a Damm on water. Continue this for 7 consecutive days. Use the water for breaking the fast. Insha'Allah, the women will soon be blessed with a child.

Al-Ghaffar: He who repeats this Name will be forgiven his sins.

Al-Qahhar: The soul of him who repeats this Name will conquer the desires of the flesh, and his heart will be made free from the attractions of the world and gain inner peace. This Name also frees one from being wronged.

Al-Wahhab: Reciting it frequently will remove poverty. Reciting it 40 times in the last Sajadah of Chasht prayer will relieve the person from starvation

.Ar-Razzaq: He who repeats this Name will be provided with sustenance by Allah.

Al-Fattah: The heart of him who repeats this Name will be open, and he will be given victory.

Al-Alim: He who repeats this Name, his heart will become luminous, revealing divine light.

Al-Qabid: He who recite this name on 4 pieces of food (fruit, bread, etc.) and eats them for 40 days will be free from hunger.

Al-Basit: He who repeats this Name 10 times after Chasht prayer with open hands (palms up), then rubs his face with his hands, will be free of need from others.

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