Part 001

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Your best friends names were Mike, Will, Dustin, and Lucas, and El, and Max. El likes to be called "Jane" now. But anyways, we were doing the normal routine we always do. Every weekend we go to Mike's house and have a D&D campaign. It's been 2 years since Will's disappearance. And being the friend I am, I always walk with him to his house because I get anxious if he ever disappears again.



always walks me to my house. She tells me she gets anxious if I disappear again. So I don't want my best friend worrying I just go with it. So we began walking. We see my house. I say "See ya tomorrow"! "See yA" Y/N had a voice crack. I always found that funny. Anyways I walk inside my house and everyone is sleeping already. It is pretty late, so I fall asleep in my bed.

                                  NEXT MORNING (Saturday)

JANES POV: I radio my best friend, Y/N and Max. I say into the radio "Y/N? Are you there? No reply. I say, Max? Are you there? No reply. Hm... Maybe it's too early. They usually sleep till 10. It's currently 8:15. Then I hear hopper say, Jane, Breakfast! I walk to the table and start eating my eggo's. "Do you uhhh... Do you wanna see Mike today? We don't have anything planned today..? I got really excited. He must be in a good mood, because I always have to ask if I can see Mike. So of course I reply with a "Yes!!" "Okay, eat your breakfast then get dressed, your gonna see Y/N and Max today as well." I finish eating my breakfast, then go get dressed in shorts and a t-shirt.

A/N: okay so I know, short chapter, but this will get me started. Can you guys give me ideas because I'm kinda running out...😂 anyways we got to 333 words :3

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