Part 005

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El's POV: A-And then he said h-he missed me... And then he just... Hung up.
"He's a piece of ****"!
"Mike doesn't have **** to do today! His nana OBVIOUSLY isn't sick! I guarantee you, him and Lucas are playing Atari right now!
"But Friends, don't lie!"
"Yeah, well... boyFRIENDS lie All. The. Time."

MIKES POV: "She knows I'm lying! She know's I'm lying!
"I don't even understand, Why lie?" Lucas said.
"Hopper! He threatened me!"
"Did he say he'd kill you?"
"What? No!"
"So then what's the big deal?"
"The big deal is if I don't do what he says then he'll stop me from seeing El! Like permanently!" Lucas held the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
"You don't understand Lucas! He's crazy! He's lost his mind!" While Will was getting D&D he said "Guys I'm almost done getting set up, here!"
"I had no choice, Lucas! I really had no choice!"
"I just wish you consulted me! Because, the way you handled this, you're in deep ****!

Time skip

El's POV: "You're gonna stop calling him! As far as your concern, he doesn't exist!
"He doesn't exist?"
"He treated you like garbage! Your gonna treat him like garbage! Give him a taste of his own medicine!
"Give him... The medicine.
"Mhm! And if he doesn't fix this, If he doesn't explain himself, Dump his ***!

"I'm not gonna lie, it's gonna be bad."
"But! You can... Fix this! It's just one little mistake! I made hundreds! Thousands! Max has dumped me 5 times! But what have I done"? Huh? Have a despaired? *yell whisper* No! I marched back into battle and I won her back every song freaking time!
"I'll show you! Cmon!"

Time skip

El's POV

"Where are we going"?
"To have some fun! There's more to life than just stupid boys, ya know!"


"Hey guys? Hello? I'm still here! Guys?


El's POV: we get off the bus.
"So, what do you think"? I start looking around.
"Hey what's wrong"?
"Too many people. Against the rules."
"Seriously? You have superpowers! What's the worst that can happen?
"So, what should we do first?" Is tart looking around trying to think of what to say. After all, I never been shopping before.
"You never been shopping before, have you?"
I nod my head no.
"Well I guess we are gonna have to just try everything!" She takes my hand and we start running to find stores!

MIKES POV: "I just- I don't understand what we're looking for!"
"Something pretty and shiny, that says I'm sorry"!
"Wait something that literally says I'm sorry"?

EL'S POV: I find something in the store called... The gap. I see something. It looks... Pretty.
"Do you like that"?
"How do I know what I... Like...?"
"You just try things on until you find something that feels like...You.
"Yeah. Not Hopper. Not Mike. You."

El's POV: we start trying things on and goofing around! It was really fun hanging out with max! It turns out... she was actually a really funny person and fun to hang out with!

MIKES POV: "Excuse me sir".
"How much is this little teddy bear"?
"I should of shoved that teddy bear right up his ***"

We kept looking Incase we found something then we found... Girl items. It kinda freaked all three of us out. Then we just ran.

ELS POV: We found some stuff both of us liked. Max got some clothes and sunglasses. And we kept goofing around as well. It was really fun!

MIKES POV: we seen some perfume and was just messing with it. Lucas got my attention and sprayed in in my face! Like, Seriously Lucas?!!

El's POV: We we're running and we ran to "Flash Studio"! We were posing!
"That's it, Girls! Okay here we go! *Flash*!
"Wardrobe change please! Wardrobe change!"
"Shake it! Shake it girls! Shake it off!" Then afterwards we went to a show shop and I was wearing high heels and slipped and fell and laughed it off. But then we see... Tracy and her group of friends and they roll they're eyes at us. That made us laugh even harder! Then we went to go spy on them and they all had drinks and I popped there drinks open and it exploded all over them!
"See? What did I tell you? There's more to life than just stupid boys"!

Mikes POV:
"Can we please play D&D now"?

El's POV: we went to scoops ahoy! And I got a vanilla ice cream with sprinkles and max got strawberry ice cream.
Wait a second. Are you even aloud to be here"?
Then that's when I realized, I got busted. But I looked at max and we laughed (again) and ran. Then we got out off the mall and max asked if she wanted to trade so I agreed.
"Oh you gotta be ******** me!"
I look over and see Mike Lucas and will. I wondered I wonder what y/n's doing? Thought she would be with Will? Hm. Oh well.
" isn't this a nice surprise"?
"What. Are. You. Doing. Here"
"This is her new style. What do you think"
"You know she's not aloud to be here."
"What is She you little pet?"
"Yeah. Am I your pet?
"What? No!"
"Why do you treat me like garbage?"
"You said nana was sick".
"She is! She is sick!"
"Yeah super sick"
"That's why we are here actually! Not for us but for nana!"
"For nana"!
" and for... you. We couldn't find a gift for you so it's hard."
"Super hard! It's- it's expensive.
"You lie. Why do you lie?"
He doesn't say anything. Boys make things so much worst than they should be.
I walk up to him.
" I dump your ***.
"Hey el?"
"Have you seen y/n today? I was gonna hang out with her but couldn't find her."
"N-No, I thought she was with you."
We get in the bus and look at each other and laugh at what I said to mike. But it got me thinking. Where could y/n be?

A/N: like I promised longer chapter! Sorry y/n wasn't in at like at all! But the next chapter she will I promise: we got to 1078 words! Thank you for reading and please vote and comment if you liked it! This took me for ever to write! I went back and fourth to Wattpad and Netflix like every work they said. So please vote it would mean a lot (only if you liked it) and give me ideas if you have any! Thanks for reading!

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