Chapter 3

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     Midnight ran as quickly as he could to his house. "I'm such an idiot!" he thought to himself. He finally got to his house without being seen. "Wait a minute, Pokemon don't wear clothes so why was I so worried to be seen naked?!" he thought. "Ugh, whatever, good thing I ran so fast that nobody saw what Pokemon I was or else I might go to jail for breaking in a Pokemon's house..." Midnight said to himself. 

He looked at the house to make sure it was his and entered through the front door. He was greeted by his younger brother, Flare. 

"Hiya big bro!" Flare said to him in a glad tone.

"Hi Flare, where's big bro?" Midnight asked.

"Oh... uh, he said that he's going somewhere far away and that we might not see him in half a year, or longer..." Flare said in a sad tone.

"What?! He just abandoned us like that?!" Midnight said.

"Big bro... I'm scared..." Flare said.

"Don't be, he'll come back... I know he will," Midnight said, reassuring his little brother.

"Are you sure?" Flare asked.

"I'm positive," Midnight said.

Midnight went to his room and found a note, it read, 

Midnight, I didn't want to scare Flare so I'm going to tell you. I'm going to war and I might not make it. If I do manage to survive, then I might not be the same Pokemon you know because of the things I may see. Please take care of Flare for me and take care of yourself too. -Bolt

Tears started to roll down his face as he threw the note into his desk drawer. "Why? Why did he not tell me before?!" Midnight yelled as he stumbled onto the bed. He eventually fell asleep from the sleepiness.

* * *

Luna came into the house with tons of groceries and placed them on the counter. "Silvia, I'm back!" Luna yelled. Silvia walked into the kitchen and help Luna put away the groceries. 

"So, did ya find that Umbreon?" Silvia asked.

"Yeah, he was passed out on the floor so I put him on a bench," Luna said.

"Wow, it really does sound like he doesn't have a home." Silvia said.

"Homeless or not, he sure is a real cutie ~" Luna said, blushing.

"You actually like him?!" Silvia said.

"Kinda, he just looks really hot, maybe I can date him," Luna said.

"I'm warning you, he isn't very nice." Silvia said.

"Whatever, maybe he's really sweet and just has a tough guy act on the outside. You never know," Luna said.

"Maybe you're right..." Silvia said.

End of chapter 3

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