Chapter 6

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     There was knock on the front door. "I'll get it," Midnight said as he walk towards the door. Midnight answers the door and sees that there is a letter to him from... Bolt! Excitedly, he teared open the letter and started to read it. 

Hey Midnight, it's your big bro, Bolt. I'll be home in a couple of years, I've seen some things and I might not be the same Pokemon I once was... be strong, and tell Flare that I love him! Love you.


Meanwhile Silvia told Luna what the note said. Luna felt terrible and they wanted to make it up to him. So they decided to go to the store to buy Midnight a Jolteon plush to remind him of his brother. Once they came back, Midnight wasn't there, so they went to look for him in the house. The went to look in the "closet" for him (Bolt's room). When they got in there, they were surprised to find a whole new room.

"This must be Bolt's room," Silvia said.

"I was wondering where Bolt's room was," Luna said.

"This room looks amazing!" Silvia exclaimed.

The room had a comfortable bed with fluffy pillows on it and a wood floor. It also had a picture of Bolt, Flare, and Midnight on the nightstand. There were thunderclouds in the bottle on a shelf with thunder stones next to it.

"This definitely belongs to a Jolteon," Luna said.

"Yep!" Silvia said.

"Why did he hide this? I'm so jealous!" Luna exclaimed. 

"HEY!" A voice yelled.

The girls turned around to find Midnight standing in the doorway. 


"We were just looking for you! We thought, idk, you might be in the closet if it was one of those walk in ones!" Silvia cried.

"Why are you here?" Midnight snarled. 

"Oh, we.. brought you a present!" Silvia said, holding up a little Jolteon plush.

"..." Midnight stared at it with a blank expression. 

He grabbed it with his mouth, and then he bit it so hard that it ripped the stuffing out of the poor little plushie. 

"Why did you bring me this? Did you think this would make me FEEL BETTER? HE MIGHT AS WELL BE DEAD! GET OFF MY DAMN PROPERTY!" Midnight howled.

Luna was in pure shock, and Sylvia was in tears, saying "I'm so sorry... I'm sorry.." over and over again.

Luna ushered Sylvia out of the room, and before closing the door, she said, "Sorry for the inconvenience. We were just trying to help a lost soul, but..." Luna paused. "Turns out, he's just a self centered asshole." She said, closing the door. 

End of chapter 6 

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