Chapter 9

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After following the trail, it stops at a rock in the middle of the woods.

"Why does it stop here?" Midnight questioned as he peered behind the rock, looking for more paw prints.

"Ooo, ooo, ooo! I know, I know!" Silvia said excitedly.

"What? What is it?" Her big sister, Luna asked.

"Maybe there is a secret entrance underneath it!" Silvia exclaimed.

"Hm maybe, lets give it a try," Luna pushes the rock forward and it reveals a ladder.

"See, I told ya!" Silvia said excitedly.

"Hm, you were right, lets quietly head down," Luna said as she put her paws onto the ladder.

All three of them quickly and quietly went down the ladder. After going down, they find... FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! ;DDD

I was just kidding, lets continue...

They find Flare inside a cage all beat up and bruised.

"Flare!" Midnight rushes to his little brother who is passed out on the floor. Flare starts to open his eyes.

"B- big brother? Is that you?" Flare said, barely able to lift up his head.

"Yes Flare, are you alright?" Midnight asked in panic.

"I- it hurts... so much, p- please save-" before Flare could finish, he passes out from the pain and trauma.

"Flare, don't you dare leave me, you hear me?!" Midnight said, shaking the bars. "You're all I got left!" Midnight says as tears start to run down his face. "Baby brother... no, who did this to you?"

"Don't worry Midnight, we'll find a way to save him!" Silvia said trying to cheer him up.

"Wow, it must be so traumatizing for lil' Flare to be in this situation..." Luna thought to herself. "I feel terrible... maybe if we didn't get Midnight a gift and entered his brother's bedroom then maybe this wouldn't have happened... maybe it's our fault for trying to help, maybe if we just stayed out of it then this wouldn't have happened..." Luna started to feel guilty. "This is all our fault, I'm so sorry Flare..."

"Hey Luna, you don't look so good... are you okay?" Silvia asked in a worried tone.

"Y- yeah, I'm fine... just a little... uhm, worried is all," Luna said nervously.

"If you say so..." Silvia said as she turned to look at Flare. "I'm worried about him too, sis..."

Just as they were about to make a plan to save Flare, the Lucario (from the party they went to) appears from the darkness.

"R- Rise?!" Silvia asked in surprise to the Lucario standing in the darkness. 

"Hey Silvia," The Lucario replied in a calm yet mysterious voice.

"What are you doing here?" Silvia asked.

"Heh... isn't it obvious? I'm the one who kidnapped Flare."

"Wha- what?!" Silvia couldn't believe it.

"That's right Silvia, I did this to him. I love you, and I couldn't let Midnight steal you from me!" Rise said angrily.

"But... why would you do this to his little brother?! His brother did nothing to you and neither did Midnight!"

"I heard that Midnight's big brother died in war last week... so I thought I would break him even more. After all, I remember how you looked at him at the party..." Rise said.

"Wha- what did you just s- say?!" Midnight said, tears falling down his face.

"Oh... you haven't heard? Bolt died in a tragic accident... you know how it goes... I'm surprised you haven't heard," Rise giggled.

"You're lying... he didn't die!" Midnight yelled.

"Well... believe what you want, it wouldn't change what happened to your brother. Oh how it was such a tragic accident... I am truly sorry," Rise said sarcastically.

"I- I won't accept it... I CAN'T ACCEPT IT!" Midnight yelped.

"Heh... seeing him this upset and broken makes me happy... you will be mine Silvia, I have always loved you," Rise whispered under his breath.

"And now for your little brother... I beat him up really badly... I'm surprised the little pest is still alive... it was so funny, he was crying for you Midnight... but you weren't there for him when he needed you the most... how pathetic," Rise continued.

"Stop!" Midnight could barely see straight through all his tears.

"You're stupid to think I would ever love you... after for all you've done, why would I love a criminal? A monster!" Silvia yelled.

"Oh silly little Silvia, I promise you we will be together one day... you WILL be mine... you just don't know it yet," Rise laughed.

"I will never EVER love you... you're a monster!" Silvia yelled in anger.

"You're not wrong... I am a monster."

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! I can't believe you actually did this to Flare! I can't believe we were friends! We were friends since elementary school and you never acted this way! This is not like you! You and Midnight were best friends and you decided to make him suffer?! Make him feel even worse than he ever ever felt before?! I actually cannot believe you... what happened to you?!" Silvia started to tear up. "I just can't believe it..."

"Why is it so hard for you Pokemon to believe things? You know what... that doesn't matter right now... let's make a deal... I let little Flare go and Silvia comes with me."

"What?!" Luna said in surprise.

"F- fine.." Silvia said.

"N- no! Silvia, you're not serious are you?!" Luna asked, putting a paw on her shoulder.

"I'm serious, you let Flare go and I come with you. As long as they're safe then I don't care what happens to me..." Silvia said, staring at Flare who was barely breathing.

"Then it seems like a deal... Flare will be freed from his prison and you'll be mine. Yes... I like the sound of that," Rise said, sounding pleased of her decision.

"But I will never love you! Just keep that in mind," Silvia said, looking deep into his eyes.

"We will see about that."

"You can't be serious Silvia... you're actually going with him?!" Midnight asked in surprise, wiping his tears away. "You can't!"

"Midnight, look at Flare, he needs you! You are all he has left... he needs you to be there with him, he's still a kid," Silvia said, pointing at Flare.

"Don't waste my time, let's go before I change my mind!" Rise snapped.

"Okay..." Silvia said, starting to walk toward Rise.

Before they had the chance to leave, a bright light, almost like a bolt of lightning, (hint, hint) zoomed by hitting Rise against the wall.

"What the hell?!" Rise yelled looking for the 'thing' that hit him. Rise was bleeding from his head, he tried to stop the bleeding by holding his paw against it, but it didn't do much to help. "Who the hell did that?!" 

"It was me..."

End of Chapter 9

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