Chapter 4

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Later, Luna and Silvia decide to find Midnight. They headed out to town and went to the shops first. After looking there, they looked at the park for him, but he wasn't there either. They were so desperate that they even decided to knock on every door in the neighborhood looking for him. None of the Pokemon knew an Umbreon until they finally found it.

"This better be it, or I'll give up!" Silvia cried.

"I feel the same way," Luna said.

Luna knocks on the door and a young Flareon answers.

"Bolt is that yo-" the young Flareon then realized it wasn't who he thought it was. "O-oh..."

"Oh, hi little boy, do you know an Umbreon?" Luna asks.

"Oh, y-yes...?" Flare answers.

"Oh, good!" Silvia exclaims.

"Why, are you looking for one?" Flare asks.

"Yes! Do you know where he is?" Luna asks.

"Yeah, he lives with me. He's one of my brothers," the Flare said.

"May we see him?" Luna asks.

"Uh... yeah.." Flare said.

Flare called Midnight and Midnight came to the door.

"Oh, it's you two!" Midnight said.

"So, you're not homeless!" Silvia exclaimed.

"Yeah... so, what's up?" Midnight asked.

"We'd like to get to know you!" Silvia said.

"Really, even when I was being a jerk?" Midnight asked with a smirk.

"Yeah! Say.... I feel like I've seen you before. Midnight, right?" Silvia said.

"Yeah. I think we both saw each other at Lucario's new years party, right?" Midnight asked.

"Oh! You're friends with him too? I thought I saw you there, but I wasn't really sure." Silvia said.

"Oh, come inside. It must be blistering hot out there. Let me get you some water." Midnight said. 

Silvia and Luna walked inside. "Wow, your place is amazing! I love what you did with the couches and the coffee table. It's marvelous," Luna said.

"Ehe, thanks. It's my brother, Bolt, that did the designing. He's... not here at the moment." Midnight said with a sad smile.

The three sat down on the couch with their cups of water. 

"So... why exactly did you come here?" Midnight asked.

                                                                                end of chapter 4

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