Chapter 10

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A Jolteon that appears to have a missing back left leg, stood in front of Silvia, Midnight, and Luna.

"Don't you DARE ever touch my little brother AGAIN!" The Jolteon growled.

"B-Bolt...?!" Midnight muttered under his breath as tears started to run down his cheeks, beginning to tremble, scared for both of his brothers.

Growling fiercely, the Jolteon bolted toward Rise again.

"Agh! You're beginning to piss me off!" Rise yelled, stumbling to his feet.

"Okay, but did I ask?" Bolt replied.

"You're really pushing it, if you keep this up, I'll pound you into the ground!"

In a defensive stance, Rise held his fists up, ready for Bolt's next attack. Bolt ran in for another attack, this time, Rise strikes him with his sharp claws. Bolt stumbles to the ground but manages to get up before Rise could make another attack.

"Looks like that missing leg is really putting you off your game," Rise giggled.

Ignoring his nasty comment, Bolt hits Rise with a strong electric attack, but Rise swiftly dodges it.

"Wow, I thought you were stronger than that, you did work in the military after all, what's with these lame attacks?" Rise asked.

"I'm just going easy on you, I don't want to kill you," Bolt answered.

"Oh, trust me, you do want to kill me, I can see it in your eyes. Tell me, why are you holding back?"

"No one deserves to die.. even the worst Pokemon."

"Hah! Don't make me laugh, despise me, hate me, KILL ME!" Tears began running down his face. There was something different with that last statement, like it were someone else yelling "kill me!" Bolt could truly see the pain he was feeling in that very moment, the sadness and sorrow, "he's really hurting..." Bolt whispered to himself.

Quickly rubbing the tears away, Rise leaped toward Bolt, trying to smash him into the cold, hard ground. Barely dodging his attack, Bolt hits the cage that Flare was kept in, trying to escape Rise's forceful attacks.

Looking back to see if Flare was alright, Bolt sees that Flare was still unconscious. Bolt started to feel anger rise in himself, and he got very mad. He couldn't bare to see his brothers in pain. He started to lose consciousness, he was blinded with anger, he couldn't think clearly. Out of frustration, he yelled and ran towards Rise, Bolt was faster than before.

"H- his movements and attacks are so much faster! How can I avoid them?!" Rise thought to himself. Before Rise could think out a plan, Bolt hit him at least 12 times before Rise collapsed to the ground.

"It's over for you," Bolt said to Rise.

"Unbelievable! How could someone like you defeat me?!" Rise hissed.

"Who are you?" Bolt asked.

"What do you mean who am I? I am Rise," Rise claimed.

"You're not fooling me, what did you do with the real Rise?"

"Oh, so you found out that I'm not really Rise? What a shame... I was hoping that little secret wouldn't get out, but I guess it's too late now."

"So? Where is he?"

"Oh, he's still here, I'm just a 'monster' that took him over."

"Well, let him go!"

"It's not that easy, I'm not just going to 'let him go.'"

"Then I'm just going to have to force you out of him."

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

"I've learned a thing or two about getting rid of creatures like you."

"Then let me see if you can, I'm no regular creature."

"Okay, we'll see about that."

Bolt started to place metal rods around Rise. "Oh, I've never seen this method used before," Rise claimed. After doing so, Bolt sat in front of the circle of rods and started to gain energy. "This seems like a stupid method, what do you plan on doing? Gaining energy isn't going to do anything, you need more than just energy to defeat me." Ignoring his words, Bolt shot a lightning bolt at one of the metal rods and the lightning traveled rod to rod, trapping Rise in a circle of lightning and electricity.

"W-wait, what's happening?!" Rise started to panic a little. "S-stop this! Now! You'll regret it!"

"This is what happens when you mess with my family.." Bolt said.

"N-no! This can't be happening!"

Suddenly, some dark shadowy figure left Rise's body, leaving him unconscious.

"W-what just happened?" Silvia seemed quite shocked, "Wow Midnight, you never told me that your brother was this awesome!" 

"Yeah, he's pretty awesome, isn't he?" Midnight said.

"I'm going to have to thank him later for saving me from that weirdo, but right now, we should make sure Flare is okay," Silvia said, walking towards the unconscious Flareon.

"He sure doesn't look okay, we should rush him to the hospital," Luna said quickly.

"Don't worry, I got this," Silvia said, as she took out one of her hairpins that she likes to keep on her, just in case of emergencies like this. Silvia inserted the hairpin into the lock and juggled it around. The lock clicked and fell off, making the cage open. Using her ribbons, Silvia carefully picked up the small and unconscious Flareon.

"Good job, Silvia, now lets get out of here and tie up Rise so he doesn't try to attack us again," Luna said.

"I'm already on it.." Bolt said, tying a strong rope around Rise. "I don't think he'll be awake for awhile, is Flare okay?"

Bolt walked towards Silvia, looking at his unconscious baby brother.

"I think so, but we should really take him to the hospital... like right now," Silvia replied.

"Okay, I'm counting on you to take him there, I need to stay here and take care of Rise, you go too, Midnight."

"W-wait, you j-just-" Before Midnight could finish, Bolt snarled, "Midnight, just go before it's too late for him!"

"O-okay," Midnight replied frightfully, Bolt has never spoke to him like that before, it wasn't like him. "Come on, Silvia, let's go..."

End of Chapter 10

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